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38,896 Responses to “Pre-sales Questions”
We want to autotranslate the page without having a slug for language, so that depending on where you are located is going to change the language is this possible?
it’s not possible in WPML (I mean display translated pages without the language slug) but let me explain why: such a setup wouldn’t be not good for attracting organic traffic to your site. If you read Google’s recommendations for creating multilingual sites, you will see it requires having separate pages (with separate URLs) for translations. We provide a browser-language redirection feature but in most cases this feature is not needed because creating translation with diffrent URLs will attract organic traffic to your site and if someone uses Google search, they will receive the results in their languages with links to pages from your site in that languages.
I am looking at purchasing the ‘Multilingual CMS’. I am fluent in all 3 languages the website will be available on, am i able to custom edit each page of the website on each language or will there be automatic translations? I do not require any translation services.
would you be able to provide a link to any video explaining how it works to install and configure the translation of pages on the website?
Do i need to have the pages ready to go on the back end or do the pages multiply when the plugin is installed?
We have had problems with WPML, hope you can help.
If you go to https://franklegaltax.com/news/ and go to the next news items, there is a duplicate of the same blog post. I’ve been told this is because we need to update WPML? Please can you confirm and also what level of WPML we need to fix this error?
Hello Sam,
I can see you have an active WPML account which means you can use our support forum to ask your technical questions. We also provide the chat. Please do the following:
a. Log into your WPML account
b. Visit this page https://wpml.org/forums/forum/english-support/
c. Click Report a new issue
If you see an icon to start the chat, you can click on it and you will be connected with one our supporter to discuss your questions and issues.
Otherwise, select “I need help using WPML” and file a regular support ticket. Thank you.
Do you provide a trial version before subscribing? Because I am not sure that the translation is fully compatible with my site, and the price is very high because I want to try it out and make a purchasing decision
we don’t have a trial version. You can buy WPML and use our refund policy for 30 days. In case of issues you can use our support forum (we also provide the live chat within our support assistance).
My website is currently in English and I have a few pages in portuguese, could i still use these pages in portuguese when i install WPML or do i need the translate it again from the english pages? If that makes sense.
As in, could i maybe allocate the pages in portuguese to be the translated engllish versions? hope that makes sense.
you don’t need to translate them from scratch but yes, you would need to create new pages for these and move/copy existing translations into the newly created pages. This is because each of your pages needs to have a language assigned and if you don’t do anything, these pages will be identified as English ones after installing WPML. I would need to see a few examples of such pages to advise you the best and fastest way to do so. Blog posts can be easily converted.
Hello, We have had problems with WPML, hope you can help. If you go to https://franklegaltax.com/news/ and go to the next news items, there is a duplicate of the same blog post. I’ve been told this is because we need to update WPML? Please can you confirm and also what level of WPML we need to fix this error? Thank you
I’m not sure what the error is – can you please explain? The website from your link was registered in February 2024. You purchased Multilingual CMS type of subscription back then but the subscription was cancelled 11 days later and your order was refunded. The website uses WPML 4.6.9 which is the the recent version. If you need our help you would need to buy WPML again and use our support forum to help you solve your issues.
we had an old version of WPML that was developed by a person before. A few years later, the plugin hasn’t been updated and cannot locate a license. If we purchase the license, can it update and hold the information that was previously setup or do we start from scratch?
yes, if you buy your own WPML license, you will be able to hold the information that was previously setup. Registering the site with your key won’t affect the plugin data. When you buy WPML, please do the following:
a) go to your WordPress site
b) go to plugins > add new > Commercial tab
c) unregister the site
d) register it again with your key
My site is multi-vendor
Does wpml provide translation into two languages without random translation between them?
For example (the first seller wants to use my website in Arabic and wants to add his products and write in Arabic, while the second seller wants to use my website in English and wants to add his products and write in English. Does this cause random translation or does each seller have a language that he completely determines for each theme?
In the pricing plans, there is a Multilingual CMS plan that contains some things that I did not understand
1- In the machine translation balance, 90,000.. Is this per year or per month? Does 90,000 mean the number of words?
2- In the Websites field, what is meant by 3 production and 9 development, I did not understand it
when you mention sellers, I guess your site uses a plugin for handling multi vendors. Can you please let me know what is the plugin name and link? First, we need to check if your plugin is compatible with WPML and how it works with WPML.
Suppose, WPML is compatible with your vendors plugin. Now, how would you like it to work: if the seller in Arabic posts something in Arabic, you want this product be available in English or you want it to be available only in Arabic? In other words, do you want the products to be translated automatically soon after they have been added?
How do they sellers add new products? Via the frontend or WP backend?
Answers to your questions:
1. You need 2 credits for 1 word, so you will be able to translate 45 000 words with the free 90000 credits
2. sites that you register as “development” will have a small banner added to your site’s footer saying that this is a development site. A similar banner will be displayed on your WordPress admin too. We introduced this feature to allow our clients to use WPML on more than 3 websites if they also have staging/testing environments. If you are testing WPML on a copy of your site, feel free to register it as “development” instead of production. With the CMS package, you can register 3 production sites and in addition, 9 sites as development sites. 12 websites in total. You can register and unregister your sites as many times as you want but you cannot get over the limits we have: 3 production sites and 9 development sites at a given time.
Hello, I want to try the plugin but I’m looking for a feature like this: I want the language to automatically change according to the visitors’ location. For example, when someone from the UK visits my website, I want it to automatically open in English. When someone from Turkey visits, I want it to automatically open in Turkish. Is this feature available in the plugin?
You can use the Automatic Redirect Based on Browser Language feature but in practice this feature is not needed because as soon as your site is available in other languages, it will be index by Google (and other search engines) and it will attract organic traffic from users directly to subpages in the user’s language and no redirection is needed. Also, each version of your site will have its own URL and you can share the Turkish URL for people from Turkey if for example you post a Facebook add or something for social media.
please log into your WPML and use our technical support forum to open a support ticket. Click “Report a new issue”. We also have a live chat if there is a supporter available at the moment you are opening a ticket. If that’s the case, you will see an icon to start a live chat. If you cannot see it, you will be asked to open a regular support ticket. Our technical experts will help you investigate your issue. Thank you.
This is a followup to your reply to my message from 4 days ago (March 21st).
Thank you for your previous reply.
I have a USA government form that I need your help completing before we can purchase services from you.
Can I send the form to someone on your team for review?
We are interested in your plugin, but our corporate parent requires a Vendor Risk Assessment for all software purchases. Do you have a way for us to engage with you to complete such an assessment? It consists of a questionnaire with possible follow-up questions.
I have two sites registered under my account I need 4 million credits for one and 1.8 million credits for the other. I am trying to figure out the pricing estimates but do not find an official calculator on the WPML site. I found this page which gives a reference. https://wpml.org/announcements/2022/02/new-pricing-for-automatic-translation/
Could you please give me a quote for a “pay as you go” option for 6 million credits across two sites?
In addition, I have development sites for each of these sites – would I be able to translate on a development environment and then push the site to production (with translations done in development) or would I need to do all translations in production? Or can i do both?
Hello Jordan,
you can use this credit calculator
When I put 4 million credits and set it to one language, I’m getting €1,137.00 EUR.
For 1.8 million credits > €587.00 EUR
Yes, you can translate on the development site and then apply the following “trick”
1. You connect both sites by sharing a special key as describe here
2. On your production site, you translate your pages again but since translation memory will be used, all the translations will be pulled from the translation memory of the shared (development) site and applied (without consuming new credits) on your production site.
You could test this one with a few posts to see how it works.
Or you can move your entire development site to your production site and override it (as you would do with any site migration)
1: Is there a API in WPML, which can be connected to get and deliver translations?
I couldnt find the API-Documentation for WPML.
how is WPML working with updates of existing translated pages?
Is it possible to export the whole page and overwrite the existing translations with new translations?
We would like to do a pre Translation with DeepL and afterwards do a human translation workflow of the complete page.
3: is there a possibilitie to translate different Quality-Levels in our Translation-Memory-System giving the Quality-Level-Information in the Meta-Data of the exported files?
Quality Level 1 – Human
Quality-Level 2: Machine with Post-Editing
Quality-Level 3: Machine-Translation
Hello Richard,
thank you for your interest in WPML.
1. No, there is no API we can provide.
2. Yes, you can override existing translation or/and update the existing one. WPML allows you to do both actions (one at a time of course). Yes, you can make manual edits as well if needed. Yes, DeepL is the default translation engine used by WPML.
3. Yes, all the options are possible and supported by WPML.
One of my customers, an employment agency, want to get all their pages translated in multiple languages.
I have 2 questions:
1. Could you please check and scroll through some of their pages: https://prestatie.eu/ they are an employment agency in the Netherlands. They have regular pages, blogs, but also have a lot of Job pages and job category pages, etc. generated by the SJB plugin. If their might be any complications or problems expected I would like to know.
That brings me to question 2 🙂
2. Is it possible to let someone of the supportteam install and setup the plugin? And if so what would this cost?
Kindly let me know by email, looking forward to the answer and getting started 🙂
Hello Marco,
We are compatible with the Simple Job Board plugin but let me check with our Compatibility Team if automatic translations are supported as well. I will get back to your with the answer.
We don’t provide this kind of service for the moment but since more and more clients are asking about it, we will consider this option in the future. For now, you would need to use the help of one of our contractors. You find a contractor and you contact them to ask how much they would charge you.
With the SJB plugin you should be able to translate your content automatically too. We have a 30-day refund policy. You can buy WPML and try it out on a copy of your website. If there are any issues, you fill out the refund form and we will return your money.
why it’s still not possible with your plugin WPML to duplicate (not translate, just copy content) automatically to others langauges posts from users?
i read on internet that a lot of user ask it
and me, i need it, so i will buy only when this mandatory feature will be
hello, I have inherited the administration of a website that has your plugin and I needed to buy more credits, but I don’t know with which account it was originally created. Could I create another account and transfer the credits?
Agnes Bury,
i think you didn’t understand my question:
– your link explain how to Use Manual Translation.
it’s absolutly not my question
my question, was, i repeat:
– how to do, for duplicate a content, automatically, from and to all others languages enabled in WPML.
for example: WPML have 3 languages enabled: EN, ES, and FR.
An user post a content in EN.
how to do for this content, is automatically duplicated (not translated, just copied) in the 2 others languages too. like this, an other user, if he visit the website, whatever the language choosen, EN or SP or FR, he will be able to see this post (in original language)
it’s more clear now?
Thanks for clarifying this Loran. Automatic duplication for multiple posts is also possible:
There are two ways:
1. Use the Duplicate option in bulk (from with the Translation Management screen)
2. Use the Translatable > Fallback feature for a specif post type (e.g. Posts, Pages, any custom post type)
Both options are explained in detail here – the first and the second column of the table.
I have this website https://www.optisan.ro/ and I was able to translate it almost entirely. My only problem is the section in the header: LUN – JOI 09:00 – 16:00 VIN – 09:00 – 15:00 SAM SI DUM – INCHIS
Is a ‘Header Left Widgets’. I found that text in the WP Admin -> WPML -> String translation, it’s translated in all languages but that text is always displayed in romanian. Any ideas what I’m doing wrong, please?
thank you for using WPML. Please use our technical support section to ask your technical question. Here are the steps:
1. Log into your WPML account
2. Visit this page: https://wpml.org/forums/forum/english-support/
3. Click Report a new issue
If there is someone available at the moment to have a chat with you, you will be connected to one of our technical assistants and have alive chat. If there is no one available at the time you click on that link you will click a button that you need help with WPML and you will submit your question. It will be answered within a few hours.
Thank you.
– Does WPML Multilingual CMS support translation of WooCommerce emails?
– Does WPML Multilingual CMS support sub directory url for each language? I.e. https://www.bedrukt.nl/de/ for Germany.
– Does WPML Multilingual CMS support auto switch to browser language?
Hello Jean,
Thank you for your interest in WPML.
1. Yes, WPML supports WooCommerce email translation. This page explains the details
2. Yes, languages in subdirectories is the default setting for displaying languages in WPML.
3. Yes, it does. This page explains the details.
We want to autotranslate the page without having a slug for language, so that depending on where you are located is going to change the language is this possible?
it’s not possible in WPML (I mean display translated pages without the language slug) but let me explain why: such a setup wouldn’t be not good for attracting organic traffic to your site. If you read Google’s recommendations for creating multilingual sites, you will see it requires having separate pages (with separate URLs) for translations. We provide a browser-language redirection feature but in most cases this feature is not needed because creating translation with diffrent URLs will attract organic traffic to your site and if someone uses Google search, they will receive the results in their languages with links to pages from your site in that languages.
I work with a USA government agency.
Can we get a Multilingual Agency price quote in U$D?
Thank you,
– Tim
Hello Tim,
No, I am afraid all our subscriptions are sold in EUR exclusively.
Best regards
Thank you for your response.
I am looking at purchasing the ‘Multilingual CMS’. I am fluent in all 3 languages the website will be available on, am i able to custom edit each page of the website on each language or will there be automatic translations? I do not require any translation services.
thank you.
Hello Luana,
Yes, with WPML you can translate the content by yourself. More details below:
would you be able to provide a link to any video explaining how it works to install and configure the translation of pages on the website?
Do i need to have the pages ready to go on the back end or do the pages multiply when the plugin is installed?
Hi Luana,
Check here https://wpml.org/documentation/getting-started-guide/
We have had problems with WPML, hope you can help.
If you go to https://franklegaltax.com/news/ and go to the next news items, there is a duplicate of the same blog post. I’ve been told this is because we need to update WPML? Please can you confirm and also what level of WPML we need to fix this error?
Thank you
Hello Sam,
I can see you have an active WPML account which means you can use our support forum to ask your technical questions. We also provide the chat. Please do the following:
a. Log into your WPML account
b. Visit this page https://wpml.org/forums/forum/english-support/
c. Click Report a new issue
If you see an icon to start the chat, you can click on it and you will be connected with one our supporter to discuss your questions and issues.
Otherwise, select “I need help using WPML” and file a regular support ticket. Thank you.
Do you provide a trial version before subscribing? Because I am not sure that the translation is fully compatible with my site, and the price is very high because I want to try it out and make a purchasing decision
we don’t have a trial version. You can buy WPML and use our refund policy for 30 days. In case of issues you can use our support forum (we also provide the live chat within our support assistance).
Is it possible to use WPML for a .net mvc mobile application ?
No, you cannot use WPML for your mobile apps because WPML is WordPress plugin that can translate only your WordPress sites.
Thanks for your help.
One more question:
My website is currently in English and I have a few pages in portuguese, could i still use these pages in portuguese when i install WPML or do i need the translate it again from the english pages? If that makes sense.
As in, could i maybe allocate the pages in portuguese to be the translated engllish versions? hope that makes sense.
you don’t need to translate them from scratch but yes, you would need to create new pages for these and move/copy existing translations into the newly created pages. This is because each of your pages needs to have a language assigned and if you don’t do anything, these pages will be identified as English ones after installing WPML. I would need to see a few examples of such pages to advise you the best and fastest way to do so. Blog posts can be easily converted.
Hello, We have had problems with WPML, hope you can help. If you go to https://franklegaltax.com/news/ and go to the next news items, there is a duplicate of the same blog post. I’ve been told this is because we need to update WPML? Please can you confirm and also what level of WPML we need to fix this error? Thank you
I’m not sure what the error is – can you please explain? The website from your link was registered in February 2024. You purchased Multilingual CMS type of subscription back then but the subscription was cancelled 11 days later and your order was refunded. The website uses WPML 4.6.9 which is the the recent version. If you need our help you would need to buy WPML again and use our support forum to help you solve your issues.
we had an old version of WPML that was developed by a person before. A few years later, the plugin hasn’t been updated and cannot locate a license. If we purchase the license, can it update and hold the information that was previously setup or do we start from scratch?
yes, if you buy your own WPML license, you will be able to hold the information that was previously setup. Registering the site with your key won’t affect the plugin data. When you buy WPML, please do the following:
a) go to your WordPress site
b) go to plugins > add new > Commercial tab
c) unregister the site
d) register it again with your key
My site is multi-vendor
Does wpml provide translation into two languages without random translation between them?
For example (the first seller wants to use my website in Arabic and wants to add his products and write in Arabic, while the second seller wants to use my website in English and wants to add his products and write in English. Does this cause random translation or does each seller have a language that he completely determines for each theme?
In the pricing plans, there is a Multilingual CMS plan that contains some things that I did not understand
1- In the machine translation balance, 90,000.. Is this per year or per month? Does 90,000 mean the number of words?
2- In the Websites field, what is meant by 3 production and 9 development, I did not understand it
when you mention sellers, I guess your site uses a plugin for handling multi vendors. Can you please let me know what is the plugin name and link? First, we need to check if your plugin is compatible with WPML and how it works with WPML.
Suppose, WPML is compatible with your vendors plugin. Now, how would you like it to work: if the seller in Arabic posts something in Arabic, you want this product be available in English or you want it to be available only in Arabic? In other words, do you want the products to be translated automatically soon after they have been added?
How do they sellers add new products? Via the frontend or WP backend?
Answers to your questions:
1. You need 2 credits for 1 word, so you will be able to translate 45 000 words with the free 90000 credits
2. sites that you register as “development” will have a small banner added to your site’s footer saying that this is a development site. A similar banner will be displayed on your WordPress admin too. We introduced this feature to allow our clients to use WPML on more than 3 websites if they also have staging/testing environments. If you are testing WPML on a copy of your site, feel free to register it as “development” instead of production. With the CMS package, you can register 3 production sites and in addition, 9 sites as development sites. 12 websites in total. You can register and unregister your sites as many times as you want but you cannot get over the limits we have: 3 production sites and 9 development sites at a given time.
I have some Elementor widgets that WPML didn’t detect, I can’t translate it
how to translate it?
You would need to make them WPML-ready by following this tutorial: https://wpml.org/documentation/related-projects/wpml-compatibility-test-tools-plugin/registering-custom-elementor-widgets-for-translation/
This tutorial can also help: https://wpml.org/documentation/support/language-configuration-files/how-to-register-page-builder-widgets-for-translation/
You can also ask for help using our technical support
Hello, I want to try the plugin but I’m looking for a feature like this: I want the language to automatically change according to the visitors’ location. For example, when someone from the UK visits my website, I want it to automatically open in English. When someone from Turkey visits, I want it to automatically open in Turkish. Is this feature available in the plugin?
You can use the Automatic Redirect Based on Browser Language feature but in practice this feature is not needed because as soon as your site is available in other languages, it will be index by Google (and other search engines) and it will attract organic traffic from users directly to subpages in the user’s language and no redirection is needed. Also, each version of your site will have its own URL and you can share the Turkish URL for people from Turkey if for example you post a Facebook add or something for social media.
I am getting error 500 each time I publish a page
please log into your WPML and use our technical support forum to open a support ticket. Click “Report a new issue”. We also have a live chat if there is a supporter available at the moment you are opening a ticket. If that’s the case, you will see an icon to start a live chat. If you cannot see it, you will be asked to open a regular support ticket. Our technical experts will help you investigate your issue. Thank you.
Multilingual Agency
Will I pay every year or just once?
Hello Mohamed,
All our subscriptions have a yearly renewal fee required to keep updates and support.
This is a followup to your reply to my message from 4 days ago (March 21st).
Thank you for your previous reply.
I have a USA government form that I need your help completing before we can purchase services from you.
Can I send the form to someone on your team for review?
Thank you,
– Tim
Hello Tim,
Yes, please send the form to hello@wpml.org and I’ll take a look.
Best regards,
We are interested in your plugin, but our corporate parent requires a Vendor Risk Assessment for all software purchases. Do you have a way for us to engage with you to complete such an assessment? It consists of a questionnaire with possible follow-up questions.
Hello Kenneth,
Yes, please send the questionnaire to hello@wpml.org and we’ll take a look.
Best regards,
Hi Agnes,
I have two sites registered under my account I need 4 million credits for one and 1.8 million credits for the other. I am trying to figure out the pricing estimates but do not find an official calculator on the WPML site. I found this page which gives a reference. https://wpml.org/announcements/2022/02/new-pricing-for-automatic-translation/
Could you please give me a quote for a “pay as you go” option for 6 million credits across two sites?
In addition, I have development sites for each of these sites – would I be able to translate on a development environment and then push the site to production (with translations done in development) or would I need to do all translations in production? Or can i do both?
Hello Jordan,
you can use this credit calculator
When I put 4 million credits and set it to one language, I’m getting €1,137.00 EUR.
For 1.8 million credits > €587.00 EUR
Yes, you can translate on the development site and then apply the following “trick”
1. You connect both sites by sharing a special key as describe here
2. On your production site, you translate your pages again but since translation memory will be used, all the translations will be pulled from the translation memory of the shared (development) site and applied (without consuming new credits) on your production site.
You could test this one with a few posts to see how it works.
Or you can move your entire development site to your production site and override it (as you would do with any site migration)
Hello togehter.
1: Is there a API in WPML, which can be connected to get and deliver translations?
I couldnt find the API-Documentation for WPML.
how is WPML working with updates of existing translated pages?
Is it possible to export the whole page and overwrite the existing translations with new translations?
We would like to do a pre Translation with DeepL and afterwards do a human translation workflow of the complete page.
3: is there a possibilitie to translate different Quality-Levels in our Translation-Memory-System giving the Quality-Level-Information in the Meta-Data of the exported files?
Quality Level 1 – Human
Quality-Level 2: Machine with Post-Editing
Quality-Level 3: Machine-Translation
Thanks for getting back to me.
Hello Richard,
thank you for your interest in WPML.
1. No, there is no API we can provide.
2. Yes, you can override existing translation or/and update the existing one. WPML allows you to do both actions (one at a time of course). Yes, you can make manual edits as well if needed. Yes, DeepL is the default translation engine used by WPML.
3. Yes, all the options are possible and supported by WPML.
One of my customers, an employment agency, want to get all their pages translated in multiple languages.
I have 2 questions:
1. Could you please check and scroll through some of their pages: https://prestatie.eu/ they are an employment agency in the Netherlands. They have regular pages, blogs, but also have a lot of Job pages and job category pages, etc. generated by the SJB plugin. If their might be any complications or problems expected I would like to know.
That brings me to question 2 🙂
2. Is it possible to let someone of the supportteam install and setup the plugin? And if so what would this cost?
Kindly let me know by email, looking forward to the answer and getting started 🙂
Hello Marco,
We are compatible with the Simple Job Board plugin but let me check with our Compatibility Team if automatic translations are supported as well. I will get back to your with the answer.
We don’t provide this kind of service for the moment but since more and more clients are asking about it, we will consider this option in the future. For now, you would need to use the help of one of our contractors. You find a contractor and you contact them to ask how much they would charge you.
With the SJB plugin you should be able to translate your content automatically too. We have a 30-day refund policy. You can buy WPML and try it out on a copy of your website. If there are any issues, you fill out the refund form and we will return your money.
why it’s still not possible with your plugin WPML to duplicate (not translate, just copy content) automatically to others langauges posts from users?
i read on internet that a lot of user ask it
and me, i need it, so i will buy only when this mandatory feature will be
Hello Loran,
it is possible, please follow this page to see how.
hello, I have inherited the administration of a website that has your plugin and I needed to buy more credits, but I don’t know with which account it was originally created. Could I create another account and transfer the credits?
Hello Irene,
Can you send me the url where WPML is installed to hello@wpml.org and I’ll check.
Agnes Bury,
i think you didn’t understand my question:
– your link explain how to Use Manual Translation.
it’s absolutly not my question
my question, was, i repeat:
– how to do, for duplicate a content, automatically, from and to all others languages enabled in WPML.
for example: WPML have 3 languages enabled: EN, ES, and FR.
An user post a content in EN.
how to do for this content, is automatically duplicated (not translated, just copied) in the 2 others languages too. like this, an other user, if he visit the website, whatever the language choosen, EN or SP or FR, he will be able to see this post (in original language)
it’s more clear now?
Thanks for clarifying this Loran. Automatic duplication for multiple posts is also possible:
There are two ways:
1. Use the Duplicate option in bulk (from with the Translation Management screen)
2. Use the Translatable > Fallback feature for a specif post type (e.g. Posts, Pages, any custom post type)
Both options are explained in detail here – the first and the second column of the table.
I have this website https://www.optisan.ro/ and I was able to translate it almost entirely. My only problem is the section in the header: LUN – JOI 09:00 – 16:00 VIN – 09:00 – 15:00 SAM SI DUM – INCHIS
Is a ‘Header Left Widgets’. I found that text in the WP Admin -> WPML -> String translation, it’s translated in all languages but that text is always displayed in romanian. Any ideas what I’m doing wrong, please?
thank you for using WPML. Please use our technical support section to ask your technical question. Here are the steps:
1. Log into your WPML account
2. Visit this page: https://wpml.org/forums/forum/english-support/
3. Click Report a new issue
If there is someone available at the moment to have a chat with you, you will be connected to one of our technical assistants and have alive chat. If there is no one available at the time you click on that link you will click a button that you need help with WPML and you will submit your question. It will be answered within a few hours.
Thank you.
Before I purchase, I am wondering:
– Does WPML Multilingual CMS support translation of WooCommerce emails?
– Does WPML Multilingual CMS support sub directory url for each language? I.e. https://www.bedrukt.nl/de/ for Germany.
– Does WPML Multilingual CMS support auto switch to browser language?
Thank you!
Hello Jean,
Thank you for your interest in WPML.
1. Yes, WPML supports WooCommerce email translation. This page explains the details
2. Yes, languages in subdirectories is the default setting for displaying languages in WPML.
3. Yes, it does. This page explains the details.