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38,952 Responses to “Pre-sales Questions”
i have a site where wpml licensing was done with a developer account. He sent me an email with a link to make the license switch.
But how do I make a WPML account and then pass on the license once I pay for it?
Here is a video that explains the process of transferring licenses from developer to a client (e.g. you). From minute 1:58, the focus is on the client view. The video explains that the clien need only complete the “purchase” to create their account. You should only be charged for the subscription renewal when the time comes to do so. This link should only create your user account via the checkout process.
I hope this clarifies what needs to be done. If, after creating the account you find that you are unduly charged (it is not the time for renewing the yearly subscription) then please write here with your new account information and our accounts team will sort you out:
Salve, prima di acquistare avrei una domanda. Ho bisogno di creare un sito multilingua per una struttura ricettiva. Sul sito è presente un sistema di prenotazioni. Acquistando CMS multilingue è possibile tradurre anche tutto ciò che riguarda la parte booking? Grazie
Ho capito che volete tradurre un sito web di prenotazioni preesistente in più lingue. Dovresti verificare se il plugin/tema che aggiunge funzionalità di prenotazione al tuo sito è compatibile con WPML.
Ci sforziamo costantemente di essere compatibili con i temi e i plugin più diffusi, ma naturalmente è possibile che ne manchino alcuni.
Hello! We operate a website for a neighborhood with a very diverse population that’s home to immigrants from all over the world. We would like to offer translated information for neighbors. We currently use GTranslate, but it’s causing a lot of problems for us.
Our budget is tight as we’re a very small non-profit organization. We also don’t have the capacity to do manual translations. Do you offer any non-profit discounts for the plugin or for credits? Thanks!
Hello! I have just paid your service but used worng email by mistake. Is it possible to change it for the one that I mentioned above in the form? They are similar. Thank you! Hope on your help!
For all account questions and service requests, please use this contact form which is sent directly to our administrative staff that can help you. https://wpml.org/home/contact-us/contact-form/
no, WPML doesn’t translate the details of the order after submitting the order.
Yes, you can translate the billing details with WPML but please note that the standard WooCommerce texts are already translated to Japanese by the plugin: https://translate.wordpress.org/locale/ja/default/wp-plugins/woocommerce/
which means, that you might not need to translate them again using WPML.
WPML will be useful to translate the products.
The WooCommerce translations only apply to translating fixed strings e.g. country names correct? If the customer enters a street address or order notes in Japanese that will not be translated. That said, you stated you can translate the billing details etc with WPML, how is this managed?
The WooCommerce translations only apply to translating fixed strings e.g. country names correct? If the customer enters a street address or order notes in Japanese that will not be translated. That said, you stated you can translate the billing details etc with WPML, how is this managed?
The Woocommerce language files provide some initial translations for fixed plugin strings. Country names is a good example. Indeed the language files will not include for plugin options, user-entered strings (e.g. billing details) and emails/outputs .
These types of content are detected and made translatable via the Woocommerce Multilingual (WCML) add-on plugin. With WCML and WPML CMS, these option-stored values are registered with our String Translation table as translatable strings allowing you to translate these values for order transaction screens and outputs.
Hi! We’re developing a website, but at a subdomain of the developers company, not under our client’s domain. If we install and activate (register) WPML – The WordPress Multilingual Plugin on this WordPress page, will it work after we move the whole website to it’s new server and final domain? Thanks,
Longer answer: Your WPML translations are stored in your wordpress database, so migrating a site to another domain can be done using a 3rd party plugin like Duplicator. If you are using Automatic Translations for new data and your site has new data always coming in (e.g. Woocommerce orders) then you would need to do an extra step to make sure your Translation Memory is retained on our servers.
My recommendation is to consult our Support Forum at the moment that you are ready/required to migrate your site and they should be able to assist you in understanding the right steps for your particular site implementation and needs.
I hope this answer gives you enough assurance about the migration security of a WPML installation.
I’m running a BuddyBoss theme and LearnDash site. We need course content, certificates, SCORM files, etc., in both English and Spanish. I initially tried another translation plugin, but it created separate posts for translations. This caused an issue—if a learner is enrolled in the English course and switches to Spanish, they aren’t automatically enrolled in the translated version. To fix this, I’d need to set up automations for every course, lesson, and topic.
I was told that WPML allows maintaining the same post ID across translations, avoiding the need for multiple enrollments. Is that correct? Could you briefly explain how WPML handles LearnDash course translations?
I’m building a test site for a community organization in Woodside, Queens, so it’s important to have quality translation for a number of different languages.
I have a few questions before I purchase the WPML plugin:
1) How many languages are available for translation? Also, I’d like to set the default to American English on this site.
2) If I purchase the Multilingual Blog plugin, can I upgrade it to Multilingual CMS later? Would that cause any issues, or is it just a matter of deleting the old one and installing the new plugin?
3) Would the plugin alter the layout at all? I’d like to to keep everything in tact and it just be an item next to the menu.
4) I may install a menu plugin later (possibly this one, but not sure: https://divimegapro.com/). Would the WPML plugin be compatible or potentially conflict with another menu plugin?
Thank you for your interest in WPML.
1. Here’s the list of languages supported by WPML for automatic translation: https://ate.wpml.org/mt_langs If your language is not present on the list, you can still add it to your site as so-called custom language and translate manually.
2. Yes, you can purchase the Multilingual Blog package and upgrade to Multilingual CMS later. Please note that the Blog package doesn’t allow you to translate automatically and doesn’t provide the WPML translation editor. After upgrading you don’t have to delete the existing plugin but you should unregister and register your site again with a new WPML license key. Registering the site with the new type of account (CMS instead of Blog) will “unlock” the extra features available in the CMS package. “Would that cause any issues,”? The content of the pages that you translated manually using the Blog package might not appear in the translation editor in some cases, especially if your previous “translation” (done using the Blog package) was significantly different from the original content (e.g. you added extra sections/paragraphs to your translation when translating that were not present in your original content – the WPML translation editor won’t be able to map those correctly). If you plan to translate manually using the CMS package, you can keep your previous translation.
3. Divi Mega Pro is not a popular plugin and WPML hasn’t been tested for compatibility with this plugin and we cannot anticipate your issues.
The Woocommerce language files provide some initial translations for fixed plugin strings. Country names is a good example. Indeed the language files will not include for plugin options, user-entered strings (e.g. billing details) and emails/outputs .
These types of content are detected and made translatable via the Woocommerce Multilingual (WCML) add-on plugin. With WCML and WPML CMS, these option-stored values are registered with our String Translation table as translatable strings allowing you to translate these values for order transaction screens and outputs.
I hope this information responds to your question.
Hi Yvette,
Unfortunately the linked articles do not appear to cover translating order meta data (e.g. billing address).
It appears these maybe “Custom Field Translations” and e.g. _billing_address_1, _billing_address_2 are considered “system fields” which default to “Don’t translate” but can be set to “Copy” or “Translate”. However I understand the “Orders (shop_order)” post type is locked as not translatable, and I am concerned if it was unlocked for translations it would result in duplicated orders. Does the “Orders (shop_orders)” post type need to be enabled for translation in order for associated custom fields to be translatable?
Can the billing_address_1, _billing_address_2 ect be manually and/or automatically translated? What is the process? This is specifically for admins/shop managers so would need to display the translated text when viewing the order in the admin and any order admin emails.
It appears these maybe “Custom Field Translations” and e.g. _billing_address_1, _billing_address_2 are considered “system fields” which default to “Don’t translate” but can be set to “Copy” or “Translate”
Short Answer: Correct
Longer Answer: The WPML architecture will allow you to register translations for any meta fields that are marked as “translatable”. HOWEVER, as you noted – the custom post type “Orders” should not enabled for translation because there is only ever one unique order.
What to do in this case?
Without fully understanding your use case and needs – there are a couple of options I can see:
1. Field Labels
User a 3rd party plugin similar to “Woocommecrce Checkout Field Editor” plugin : https://wpml.org/plugin/woocommerce-checkout-field-editor/. This will allow you to add additional checkout fields (or override Woocommerce fields) and have them available in different languages. This would handle the case for your shop managers that need to see the field labels in different languages than the order. They would need to set the correct admin screen language in their profile.
However, this would not translate user input to my knowledge.
In either case, you would not really have this information available for full automatic translation. I am not really sure why you would translate the billing/shipping address but I am sure you have a valid use case that requires this.
As it is not clear what your actual use case is, my recommendation is to fully develop a simple test script that covers your requirements. Then set aside dedicated time to test this out on a sandbox site with our Support team. You will have to purchase a CMS Subscription but keep in mind that we offer a 30-day Refund window.
Only in this way could you really get the answer that you need before spending unnecessary money on a solution that does not fully cover your requirements.
Hello Jane, I know what you mean but this option is not possible with WPML. WPML does more than just “pulling” translation from the translation engines such as Google Translate, DeepL. When translating and communicating with APIs, WPML does extra pre- and post- processing to ensure proper handing of formatting (bold, italic), links etc. and that’s why you cannot rely on processing raw data received by using APIs.
Is there a direct sales support email? We’re looking for a WP plugin that can translate up to 1,000,000 words and also have questions on the languages, moving away from a competitor, and we need about 6 different languages.
Yes, please try your credit card:
1. Visit the page: https://wpml.org/purchase/
2. Click “Buy now” and then on the Checkout page click “Use a different payment method” (under the orange Place order button)
3. Click Pay using a credit card
i want to know all the languages you support, the other question is will I get a customer support agent from india ? another question is can I make payment through UPI in indian rupees ?
here’s the list of languages: https://ate.wpml.org/mt_langs
Some of our supporters are from India too but when you contact our support team you will be assigned to a random supporter and you cannot choose a supporter by country.
We accept payments only in euros and the conversion to your local currency will be done by PayPal.
Hello, we offer a 50% discount to non-profit organizations. If you are representing a non-profit organization, please use this form to apply: https://wpml.org/home/contact-us/contact-form/
I have a development project that requires multilanguage functionality.
The site requires 4 languages: English (primary), Danish, German & Dutch – but the pages on the site mostly need to be translated into one additional language only. E.g.:
Page 1 – English only
Page 2 – English & Danish
Page 3 – English & German
Page 4 – English & Dutch
Page 5 – English, Danish & German.
Is it possible to only translate specific pages into specific languages with WPML?
Yes, it’s possible to translate selected pages into specific languages while leaving others untranslated. WPML allows you to choose what you translate. You simply don’t translate page you don’t want to be available in certain languages. The example you provided can be fully handled using WPML.
I have a development project that requires multilanguage functionality.
The site requires 4 languages: English (primary), Danish, German & Dutch – but the pages on the site mostly need to be translated into one additional language only. E.g.:
Page 1 – English only
Page 2 – English & Danish
Page 3 – English & German
Page 4 – English & Dutch
Page 5 – English, Danish & German.
Is it possible to limit the translated languages on a per page basis?
I’m having trouble accessing my company’s account. We’re Denver Urban Gardens. We are working on a new website so want to ensure our Spanish language content gets migrated but have had no luck getting into the account. We tried all possible email addresses and our PayPal but nothing comes up. Can you help?
please send us the URL of your website(s) that use WPML. We will check what email address was used when registering the website(s). You can also use this contact form if this is sensitive data.
We have been testing your WPML + WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency for some-time and we are experiencing an issue when setting shipping costs in other currencies manually.
When we set the minimum order value for free shipping as $75 in USD currency, it deactivated our min. order value threshold for TRY (Turkish lira) currency purchases.
Btw, should I write the exact minimum amount ($75) there or a multiplier? The descriptive text below the title says it will multiply our costs). But the title of textbox reads “minimum order amount in USD”. So title and descriptive text seem to be in conflict.
Thank you for contacting us. This is a pre-sales section where we answer pre-sales questions for people who are interested in purchasing WPML. For technical issues you need to use our other channels. If you are a paying client of WPML, please log into your WPML account and report your issue on our support forum. If you use the free version of WooCommerce Multilingual please use the public forum: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/woocommerce-multilingual/ Thank you.
We are starting a clone site of popular.
We’d like to know how long does 80000 credits last?
Our site focuses on demographics.
We use visitors from all countries.
We need messenger app between role to role translated on the fly.
We also need all out pages translated.
We use booking app,, vendor app, review app and more
> We’d like to know how long does 80000 credits last?
You mean 90 000 credits? They will be available on your wpml.org as long as not assigned to any of your sites.
WPML works only with WordPress sites and doesn’t work with any other applications.
We have a LMS and membership website where we are using LearnDash, Paid Membership Pro and Events Calendar plugin. Can we use this plugin to have a multilingual setup for each and every page on our website? I would like to get an advice from the support team so we can buy this plugin. Also what’s the credit process? What if we want to buy more?
I’m interested in installing the WPML plugin to translate my website from English to Spanish. Before making a purchase, could you share an example of an English-to-Spanish translation using the WPML AI method?
I speak Spanish, and I’ve tried other automatic translation services before, but the quality was quite poor. If possible, I’d love to see an example to make sure it meets my expectations.
the WPML AI is still in beta but some of our clients use it. For example the Elementor blog has been translated to Spanish using this engine. You can check the quality of the translation there. You can also buy WPML keeping our refund policy in mind. It allows you to test WPML for 30 days.
I asked some questions for our LMS website but that wasn’t answered. Can you please help or can I talk to any support agent? We might buy Multilingual Agency plan.
i have a site where wpml licensing was done with a developer account. He sent me an email with a link to make the license switch.
But how do I make a WPML account and then pass on the license once I pay for it?
Here is a video that explains the process of transferring licenses from developer to a client (e.g. you). From minute 1:58, the focus is on the client view. The video explains that the clien need only complete the “purchase” to create their account. You should only be charged for the subscription renewal when the time comes to do so. This link should only create your user account via the checkout process.
I hope this clarifies what needs to be done. If, after creating the account you find that you are unduly charged (it is not the time for renewing the yearly subscription) then please write here with your new account information and our accounts team will sort you out:
Thank you!
I can’t find the page on your site that shows the list of all the languages available on the plugin.
Here is the list of pre-configured languages:
You can always add your own custom languages as well. This is described here:
I hope this meets your needs
Salve, prima di acquistare avrei una domanda. Ho bisogno di creare un sito multilingua per una struttura ricettiva. Sul sito è presente un sistema di prenotazioni. Acquistando CMS multilingue è possibile tradurre anche tutto ciò che riguarda la parte booking? Grazie
Ho capito che volete tradurre un sito web di prenotazioni preesistente in più lingue. Dovresti verificare se il plugin/tema che aggiunge funzionalità di prenotazione al tuo sito è compatibile con WPML.
Ci sforziamo costantemente di essere compatibili con i temi e i plugin più diffusi, ma naturalmente è possibile che ne manchino alcuni.
Controllate questa pagina per vedere se il tema/plugin utilizzato dal vostro sito è già stato testato come compatibile.
Se non lo trovate nell’elenco, contattate l’autore del plugin/tema per chiedere la compatibilità con WPML.
Cordiali saluti
Hello! We operate a website for a neighborhood with a very diverse population that’s home to immigrants from all over the world. We would like to offer translated information for neighbors. We currently use GTranslate, but it’s causing a lot of problems for us.
Our budget is tight as we’re a very small non-profit organization. We also don’t have the capacity to do manual translations. Do you offer any non-profit discounts for the plugin or for credits? Thanks!
I’m sorry but we don’t offer any non-profit discounts at this time.
Kind regards
Hello! I have just paid your service but used worng email by mistake. Is it possible to change it for the one that I mentioned above in the form? They are similar. Thank you! Hope on your help!
For all account questions and service requests, please use this contact form which is sent directly to our administrative staff that can help you.
Kind regards
The WooCommerce translations only apply to translating fixed strings e.g. country names correct? If the customer enters a street address or order notes in Japanese that will not be translated. That said, you stated you can translate the billing details etc with WPML, how is this managed?
You asked :
The Woocommerce language files provide some initial translations for fixed plugin strings. Country names is a good example. Indeed the language files will not include for plugin options, user-entered strings (e.g. billing details) and emails/outputs .
These types of content are detected and made translatable via the Woocommerce Multilingual (WCML) add-on plugin. With WCML and WPML CMS, these option-stored values are registered with our String Translation table as translatable strings allowing you to translate these values for order transaction screens and outputs.
More information here:
I hope this information responds to your question.
Hi! We’re developing a website, but at a subdomain of the developers company, not under our client’s domain. If we install and activate (register) WPML – The WordPress Multilingual Plugin on this WordPress page, will it work after we move the whole website to it’s new server and final domain? Thanks,
Short answer: Yes.
Longer answer: Your WPML translations are stored in your wordpress database, so migrating a site to another domain can be done using a 3rd party plugin like Duplicator. If you are using Automatic Translations for new data and your site has new data always coming in (e.g. Woocommerce orders) then you would need to do an extra step to make sure your Translation Memory is retained on our servers.
More documentation on that here:
My recommendation is to consult our Support Forum at the moment that you are ready/required to migrate your site and they should be able to assist you in understanding the right steps for your particular site implementation and needs.
I hope this answer gives you enough assurance about the migration security of a WPML installation.
I’m running a BuddyBoss theme and LearnDash site. We need course content, certificates, SCORM files, etc., in both English and Spanish. I initially tried another translation plugin, but it created separate posts for translations. This caused an issue—if a learner is enrolled in the English course and switches to Spanish, they aren’t automatically enrolled in the translated version. To fix this, I’d need to set up automations for every course, lesson, and topic.
I was told that WPML allows maintaining the same post ID across translations, avoiding the need for multiple enrollments. Is that correct? Could you briefly explain how WPML handles LearnDash course translations?
Thank you!
Please consult our documentation on LearnDash with WPML here:
Also please review any known issues with LearnDash on this page in section “Known Issues”:
Kind regards
I’m building a test site for a community organization in Woodside, Queens, so it’s important to have quality translation for a number of different languages.
I have a few questions before I purchase the WPML plugin:
1) How many languages are available for translation? Also, I’d like to set the default to American English on this site.
2) If I purchase the Multilingual Blog plugin, can I upgrade it to Multilingual CMS later? Would that cause any issues, or is it just a matter of deleting the old one and installing the new plugin?
3) Would the plugin alter the layout at all? I’d like to to keep everything in tact and it just be an item next to the menu.
4) I may install a menu plugin later (possibly this one, but not sure: https://divimegapro.com/). Would the WPML plugin be compatible or potentially conflict with another menu plugin?
Thank you for your interest in WPML.
1. Here’s the list of languages supported by WPML for automatic translation: https://ate.wpml.org/mt_langs If your language is not present on the list, you can still add it to your site as so-called custom language and translate manually.
2. Yes, you can purchase the Multilingual Blog package and upgrade to Multilingual CMS later. Please note that the Blog package doesn’t allow you to translate automatically and doesn’t provide the WPML translation editor. After upgrading you don’t have to delete the existing plugin but you should unregister and register your site again with a new WPML license key. Registering the site with the new type of account (CMS instead of Blog) will “unlock” the extra features available in the CMS package. “Would that cause any issues,”? The content of the pages that you translated manually using the Blog package might not appear in the translation editor in some cases, especially if your previous “translation” (done using the Blog package) was significantly different from the original content (e.g. you added extra sections/paragraphs to your translation when translating that were not present in your original content – the WPML translation editor won’t be able to map those correctly). If you plan to translate manually using the CMS package, you can keep your previous translation.
3. Divi Mega Pro is not a popular plugin and WPML hasn’t been tested for compatibility with this plugin and we cannot anticipate your issues.
Hi Yvette,
Unfortunately the linked articles do not appear to cover translating order meta data (e.g. billing address).
It appears these maybe “Custom Field Translations” and e.g. _billing_address_1, _billing_address_2 are considered “system fields” which default to “Don’t translate” but can be set to “Copy” or “Translate”. However I understand the “Orders (shop_order)” post type is locked as not translatable, and I am concerned if it was unlocked for translations it would result in duplicated orders. Does the “Orders (shop_orders)” post type need to be enabled for translation in order for associated custom fields to be translatable?
Can the billing_address_1, _billing_address_2 ect be manually and/or automatically translated? What is the process? This is specifically for admins/shop managers so would need to display the translated text when viewing the order in the admin and any order admin emails.
1. System Custom Fields
Short Answer: Correct
Longer Answer: The WPML architecture will allow you to register translations for any meta fields that are marked as “translatable”. HOWEVER, as you noted – the custom post type “Orders” should not enabled for translation because there is only ever one unique order.
What to do in this case?
Without fully understanding your use case and needs – there are a couple of options I can see:
1. Field Labels
User a 3rd party plugin similar to “Woocommecrce Checkout Field Editor” plugin : https://wpml.org/plugin/woocommerce-checkout-field-editor/. This will allow you to add additional checkout fields (or override Woocommerce fields) and have them available in different languages. This would handle the case for your shop managers that need to see the field labels in different languages than the order. They would need to set the correct admin screen language in their profile.
However, this would not translate user input to my knowledge.
2. User Inputs
Employ custom coding to translate the actual user inputs as described here: https://wpml.org/documentation/support/translation-for-texts-by-other-plugins-and-themes/
You would need an experienced WPML Contractor to do this.
In either case, you would not really have this information available for full automatic translation. I am not really sure why you would translate the billing/shipping address but I am sure you have a valid use case that requires this.
As it is not clear what your actual use case is, my recommendation is to fully develop a simple test script that covers your requirements. Then set aside dedicated time to test this out on a sandbox site with our Support team. You will have to purchase a CMS Subscription but keep in mind that we offer a 30-day Refund window.
Only in this way could you really get the answer that you need before spending unnecessary money on a solution that does not fully cover your requirements.
Can I use the google translate API to translate websites automaticly but not buying credits from you?
Hello Jane, I know what you mean but this option is not possible with WPML. WPML does more than just “pulling” translation from the translation engines such as Google Translate, DeepL. When translating and communicating with APIs, WPML does extra pre- and post- processing to ensure proper handing of formatting (bold, italic), links etc. and that’s why you cannot rely on processing raw data received by using APIs.
Is there a direct sales support email? We’re looking for a WP plugin that can translate up to 1,000,000 words and also have questions on the languages, moving away from a competitor, and we need about 6 different languages.
Thank you!
We use this section to answer pre-sales questions but if you have some sensitive data to be shared, feel free to use this form: https://wpml.org/home/contact-us/contact-form/ Translating 11 million words to 6 languages would cots about 2,5000 EUR – please check this calculator: https://wpml.org/documentation/automatic-translation/automatic-translation-pricing/#simulate-your-translation-price
Hi, I want to purchase the plugin, but I don’t have a PayPal account. Do you have any alternative payment methods available?
Yes, please try your credit card:
1. Visit the page: https://wpml.org/purchase/
2. Click “Buy now” and then on the Checkout page click “Use a different payment method” (under the orange Place order button)
3. Click Pay using a credit card
Is it support chinese ( hong kong) zh
yes, WPML supports Chinese languages too:
i want to know all the languages you support, the other question is will I get a customer support agent from india ? another question is can I make payment through UPI in indian rupees ?
here’s the list of languages:
Some of our supporters are from India too but when you contact our support team you will be assigned to a random supporter and you cannot choose a supporter by country.
We accept payments only in euros and the conversion to your local currency will be done by PayPal.
I am intersted in “Multilingual CMS” license do you offer any discount for educational website ?
Hello, we offer a 50% discount to non-profit organizations. If you are representing a non-profit organization, please use this form to apply: https://wpml.org/home/contact-us/contact-form/
I have a development project that requires multilanguage functionality.
The site requires 4 languages: English (primary), Danish, German & Dutch – but the pages on the site mostly need to be translated into one additional language only. E.g.:
Page 1 – English only
Page 2 – English & Danish
Page 3 – English & German
Page 4 – English & Dutch
Page 5 – English, Danish & German.
Is it possible to only translate specific pages into specific languages with WPML?
Yes, it’s possible to translate selected pages into specific languages while leaving others untranslated. WPML allows you to choose what you translate. You simply don’t translate page you don’t want to be available in certain languages. The example you provided can be fully handled using WPML.
I have a development project that requires multilanguage functionality.
The site requires 4 languages: English (primary), Danish, German & Dutch – but the pages on the site mostly need to be translated into one additional language only. E.g.:
Page 1 – English only
Page 2 – English & Danish
Page 3 – English & German
Page 4 – English & Dutch
Page 5 – English, Danish & German.
Is it possible to limit the translated languages on a per page basis?
Thanks, Toby
Can I purchase an annual subscription to WPML Multilingual CMS for our customer?
Hello Anna,
Sure, that’s possible. Then, you can transfer WPML Renewals to Your Clients as explained on this link:
I’m having trouble accessing my company’s account. We’re Denver Urban Gardens. We are working on a new website so want to ensure our Spanish language content gets migrated but have had no luck getting into the account. We tried all possible email addresses and our PayPal but nothing comes up. Can you help?
please send us the URL of your website(s) that use WPML. We will check what email address was used when registering the website(s). You can also use this contact form if this is sensitive data.
We have been testing your WPML + WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency for some-time and we are experiencing an issue when setting shipping costs in other currencies manually.
When we set the minimum order value for free shipping as $75 in USD currency, it deactivated our min. order value threshold for TRY (Turkish lira) currency purchases.
Btw, should I write the exact minimum amount ($75) there or a multiplier? The descriptive text below the title says it will multiply our costs). But the title of textbox reads “minimum order amount in USD”. So title and descriptive text seem to be in conflict.
Thank you for contacting us. This is a pre-sales section where we answer pre-sales questions for people who are interested in purchasing WPML. For technical issues you need to use our other channels. If you are a paying client of WPML, please log into your WPML account and report your issue on our support forum. If you use the free version of WooCommerce Multilingual please use the public forum: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/woocommerce-multilingual/ Thank you.
We are starting a clone site of popular.
We’d like to know how long does 80000 credits last?
Our site focuses on demographics.
We use visitors from all countries.
We need messenger app between role to role translated on the fly.
We also need all out pages translated.
We use booking app,, vendor app, review app and more
> We’d like to know how long does 80000 credits last?
You mean 90 000 credits? They will be available on your wpml.org as long as not assigned to any of your sites.
WPML works only with WordPress sites and doesn’t work with any other applications.
Hi there,
We have a LMS and membership website where we are using LearnDash, Paid Membership Pro and Events Calendar plugin. Can we use this plugin to have a multilingual setup for each and every page on our website? I would like to get an advice from the support team so we can buy this plugin. Also what’s the credit process? What if we want to buy more?
Thank you for your interest in WPML. The combination of your plugin is not well supported by WPML.
The LearnDash LMS plugin has to be translate manually which sone of our users find a show stopper because it involves a lot of manual work.
We recommend using LearnPress instead: https://wpml.org/plugin/learnpress/
We are not compatible with the Paid Membership Pro plugin. We recommend the Ultimate Membership Pro plugin instead: https://wpml.org/plugin/ultimate-membership-pro/
We are compatible with The Events Calendar https://wpml.org/plugin/the-events-calendar/
To translate automatically you need to use so-called translation credits. You will receive 90 000 credits when purchasing WPML which will allow you to translate 45 000 words. If you need more credits you have to pay extra. This page explains your options: https://wpml.org/documentation/automatic-translation/automatic-translation-pricing/
I’m interested in installing the WPML plugin to translate my website from English to Spanish. Before making a purchase, could you share an example of an English-to-Spanish translation using the WPML AI method?
I speak Spanish, and I’ve tried other automatic translation services before, but the quality was quite poor. If possible, I’d love to see an example to make sure it meets my expectations.
Looking forward to your response.
the WPML AI is still in beta but some of our clients use it. For example the Elementor blog has been translated to Spanish using this engine. You can check the quality of the translation there. You can also buy WPML keeping our refund policy in mind. It allows you to test WPML for 30 days.
I asked some questions for our LMS website but that wasn’t answered. Can you please help or can I talk to any support agent? We might buy Multilingual Agency plan.
Your questions have been waiting for moderation. I have just replied.