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38,676 Responses to “Pre-sales Questions”

  1. Hello there!

    In order to have your plugin on our website, first do we have to buy the plugin itself here Or the plugin will come when I create an account without having to purchase any plans?

    The problem is I don’t understand the relationship between the Multilingual Blog plan with the Automatic Translation here. Do we need to buy the plugin and only then we can use Pay-as-you-go? Or only create an account with Pay-as-you-go and that’s it?

    Our website is rather small, and we would like to use your plugin for only one website. We only need initial set up so that it auto-translate all the elements of the site. And later, it’s fine for us to use ChatGPT to manually translate everything.

    Please help me with this and reach me if I didn’t make myself clear enough. We really want to try our plugin.

    Many thanks

  2. Thanks Mercedes,

    Also a question. When the plugin auto-translates my post/page, can the new post/page be edited like a separate page in WordPress? For example, sometimes, we would like to replace the Homepage banner to be “Happy New Year”. On the Homepage but in Chinese, the text on the banner should be “新年快乐” which we will have our designer do. Will it be possible to manually replace using Elementor? Our WordPress site is built with Elementor. Do you have any Demo Site so that we can see how it works?

    • Hello Chloe,
      If I understand you correctly you might need a diffrent image for some on your pages. In this case you have two options:
      1. Instead of translating the page automatically and opening the translation in the translation editor, you can disable the translation editor for that page and create the content of the translated version manually (in this case, you can also copy the original content if you want to speed up this process). This way, you will have full flexibility for entering any content, texts and images for the translation. The drawback of this option is that you won’t be able to translate this page automatically.
      This process is explained in details on this page:
      This page doesn’t Elementor but the process is the same for Elementor pages.
      2. Use the Media Translation plugin. It allows you to provide a diffrent version of the image if needed.

      No, we don’t have a demo site, we could set up one for you but we would need to know more about your needs.
      – Can you please share the link to your website?
      – Do you need to use automatic translations, for all pages or only for some
      Another option is that you buy WPML keeping our refund policy in mind.

  3. Hola
    Tenía algunas dudas para preguntarles y si son tan amables de responderme:
    * He creado mi web con el tema Astra… ¿Es compatible con WPML?
    * Mi web es tipo medio de comunicación donde tengo páginas y entradas de blog… ¿Qué plan me conviene más teniendo en cuenta que sólo la voy a poner en español e inglés?

    • Hi,
      Yes, you can use your credit card. On the “checkout” page you will see a link entitled “Use a different payment processor” (at the bottom of the page, under the orange button). Please click on it.

    • Hello I cannot find your user in our system. I’ve tried the email address you used when posting this comment with. If you just purchased WPML, you might have made a typo in your email address. Anyway, you need to use this form and send us more info about your purchase so that we can find you in our system. For example the last 4 digits of your credit card.

  4. I see that I pay with credits – the 100$ has 90,000 credits – 2 credits per word,
    Is it per language also – so if I have 10 languages 45K words – is it 90K credits or 900K credits?

    • Hello, WPML renewals are optional and required for plugin updates and getting support assistance. If you cancel your WPML subscription, you can still use WPML on your site and keep the translations but we cannot anticipate what will happen if you update your WordPress but won’t update WPML in the future. You can cancel your WPML subscription at any time with a few clicks from your WPML account. If you do, you will keep receiving updates til the end of the period for which you paid, then, you can use WPML but without updates.

    • Hello,
      thank you for your interest in WPML. We have switched our prices from US dollars to euros recently. The Blog package costs 39 euros now. We will try to get in touch with the authors of the thread to update their article. The Blog package allows you to make your site multilingual but you will need to translate your pages manually. If you are interested in automatic translation, you would need to buy the Multilingual CMS package is costs 99 euros.

  5. I am upgrading a site that had Polylang free plugin. This upgrade will include a woocommerce store. My questions are:

    1) Will previous blog translations from polylang be deleted if I uninstall Polylang and install WPML?
    2) Is WPML all I need to manage multilanguage blog and store? We will do manual translations, we only need to have duplicate pages and posts for every language.

    Thanks for your help.


  6. Hello, I have a question before purchasing. Is your plugin compatible with megamenu? Is there an option after clicking the translation flag to display a second mega menu? Namely, we have created 2 menus. For Polish and English-speaking students. For the first students, the topics are completely different for the second ones as well. The remaining pages are translated unchanged. Is there a solution to display different menu content for different languages? Thank you

  7. Hi there, I want to know if the main language on my site is English. If I share say a blog that’s been translated to Spanish with your plugin, will the language be in Spanish that’s in the blog as well as the feature image of the URL ( the wording associated with it, not the image itself ). So basically the tile of the blog or page or anything that’s not in the main language of the site, will automatically take a person who clicks that link to the translated page? Thanks

    • Hello Steve,
      I’m not sure I understand your question(s). When you translate your blog with WPML, you can translate all or selected blog post to other languages. You add the languages when configuring WPML (or you can add language later). Then, depending of your setting, you can translate your posts. As soon as a post is translated, it will be available under a new URL. Please see this example: This is a blog of one of our clients. If you user the language switcher in the top right corner to switch to Spanish you will get: This is how it works. If you share the original post (here, it’s in French) with someone from Spain, they won’t be redirected automatically to Spanish. You would need to share the Spanish version with them or they will need to use the language switcher. Does this answer your question?

    • Hello Max,
      no, it’s not possible to link the API of ChatGPT to WPML. We are working on integrating ChatGPT with WPML but we don’t know if and when we will make it available for our clients. What some of our clients do, they translate some pieces using ChatGPT and copy-paste into WPML editor manually. Many clients rely on automatic translations by WPML. We use DeepL as the default translation engine which provide very good translation quality. Have you compared the quality of ChatGPT translations with DeepL?

  8. Hi there,
    I have a question not really a reply. I posted the question yesterday but it’s not here. So I will try again. I have a site that is in English initially ( I’m actually geolocated in Spain ) If I use your plugin and post a blog ( on say social media )that has been translated to Spanish using your plugin – will the translation show up in Spanish when it is posted? This will include the title of the blog and the preamble in the feature image. Please let me know.

    • Hello,
      you must share the Spanish version (translation) of your site/post. Then yes, it will be shown in Spanish with the feature imaged attached to the Spanish version. By default, the feature image of the original post is copied to your Spanish version of the article when you translate it with WPML but if you would like to provide a diffrent feature image for your Spanish version, it’s also possible.

  9. The company that built our site can no longer support us but we need to renew our subscription. Please can you assist with the best way to do this?

    • Hello Noel,
      you can buy WPML with your own email address and re-register WPML with your WPML account. Please go to your site and check how many WPML plugins you use. If you see more than one WPML plugin (for example WPML String Translation), you need to buy the Multilingual CMS package. After buying the plugin, please go to your WordPress site, go to Plugins > Add New > Commercial Tab and unregister the site. Then register it again with a new key. You need to be logged into your WPML account when you do so.

  10. Dear Team,

    I hope this message finds you well. I currently operate a WooCommerce website utilizing the Porto theme in conjunction with Elementor Pro. Our next step is to implement multi-language and multi-currency functionality.

    Before making a purchase decision, I have a couple of questions:

    Compatibility: Is your plugin fully compatible with the Porto theme and Elementor Pro? I’ve come across a few comments suggesting that there may be compatibility issues, particularly with Elementor.

    Support: Could you please provide more information on the type of assistance and support that comes with the purchase of your plugin? Knowing what level of support is available would greatly help us in making an informed decision.

    Your response to these inquiries will assist us in determining whether your plugin is the right choice for our project.

    Thank you for your time and assistance.

    Best regards,

    • Hello Daniela.
      yes, we are compatible with the Porto theme, Elementor Pro and WooCommerce. Current issues with Elementor are listed at the bottom of this page:
      Please check if any of the issues listed matters in your case.
      Everyone with an active WPML subscription can use our support forum to report issues/ask questions.
      Here’s how this works.
      You need to be logged into your WPML to get support assistance.
      Then you click “Report a new issue” you will be connected to a live chat where you can chat with a supporter. But this option might not be available if there is a high load and sometimes you will need to describe your problem and wait for the support team to handle your issue later, by getting a reply.
      Also, we have considering introducing some coaching/onboarding sessions for new clients but it’s still in the experimental phase. If you would be interested into participating, you would need to:
      1) send me a list of issues to discuss
      2) pick a Zoom call slot with my colleague Yvette (I would send you her booking calendar)
      and she could give you a quick introduction related to your site.
      Let me know if you are interested and I can send you a private email on that matter.

  11. Hi Agnes,
    Thanks for your reply. I appreciate it. I think I understand. At the moment I have a WordPress site that is in three languages. It’s old and each language was translated professionally ( not using AI ) , so I have 3 separate websites ( under the same URL and a language button ). Im updating it now and have made it in English as the designers have suggested I use your plugin. I want the site to work in the same way as my current site so basically, if I share a translated page from my URL ( using your plugin ) then on social media, the blog or page will be in Spanish? So they see it in Spanish and can automatically follow the link to my site and read the Spanish-translated version and not have to use a language switcher ( unless they want to read it in English, or Japanese ). Thanks again

  12. hello.

    I want to buy as a business company. My VAT code is LT100016149015 (Lithuania). Do you apply the VAT code anyway? Because you shouldn’t include VAT. I will wait for your answer.

    Best regard,

    • Yes, if the VAT number if correct, when you buy WPML VAT won’t be added. Please provide this VAT number on the purchase page in the VAT NUMBER field and you will pay 99 euros instead of €121.77 (if you buy the Multilingual CMS package).

    • Yes, you can use your card. On the “checkout” page you will see a link entitled “Use a different payment processor” (at the bottom of the page, under the orange button). Please click on it.

  13. Hi, I have an auto blog site. I want all these posts to translate into a different language automatically.
    Here are my questions.
    1. How does the auto translate credits work? 1 credit = 1 character…?
    2. What is the best practice for the SEO (Google Index) between translate and duplicate posts?


  14. Hello,
    I am interested in installing translate press plugin to our website to offer multiple languages for our visitors. We are a small nonprofit museum and we are wondering if you offer any discount options. I will be happy to provide documentation as necessary.
    Best wishes

    • Hello Pamela,
      We are not TranslatePress but WPML 🙂
      Let me know if you are interested in WPML and we will take it from there.

  15. What is the percentage of the discount and usage credits for none profit organizations? I will provide anything you need after the clear answer.
    Thank you

    • Hello Erin,
      if you are representing a non-profit organization, we can give you a discount only for the plugin, not for the credits. The reason is that we pay for the credits too. We use Google Translate and DeepL APIs to translate your site automatically and these services are not free. If you are on a budget, you can translate your site manually or by copy-pasting from Google or DeepL. Please note that when you will get/buy the Multilingual CMS package you will get 90 000 translation credits for free which will allow you to translate 45 000 words (if you decide to use DeepL or Google Translate) or 90 000 words if you decide to use the Miscrosoft translation engine. Please read more about credits here:
      You can use the calculator we provide on the page to estimate how much you would pay.

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