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38,910 Responses to “Pre-sales Questions”
First of all, thanks for your reply and time taken. And sorry for my double message. I was afraid to not being seen on the French thread. It seems to be inactive.
About my issue, I can confirm that I received your email notification. But as mentioned I was not at the office and I didn’t saw your email on time.
Would it be possible to make a commercial gesture and re-activate this discount ?
It would be really appreciated.
You can reactivate your account by purchasing again. You can use the same email and purchase when being logged in. I’m really sorry but discounts are no longer available for accounts that were remaining inactive for more than 30 days. We know that some clients might be late and that why we extend the renewal period with discounts for extra 30 days. In your case your account was inactive for more than 30 days. This is how our system works and we cannot switch your account back to the old pricing. This is not technically possible, I’m really sorry. And yes, we understand that clients might not be around to remember paying on time and for this reason we have automatic renewals enabled by default. From what we can see in your purchase history you switched to manual renewals.
My team and I have planned to switch our website from Translate Press to WPML.
The current translations on our website have been made with DeepL via API.
We already know we can’t move the translations from the “old” to the “new” translation system.
Our website contains about 10k products. We need to translate the titles and the descriptions of each of them in 3 languages which are English, Spanish and German (the original language is Italian).
According to the word estimate provided by your tool (under WPML –> Manage Translations), we need to translate 3052012 words of the “Products type”.
We want to use the automatic DeepL system again, so we found this article: https://wpml.org/documentation/automatic-translation/translate-your-wordpress-site-with-deepl/
We understood that with the “Multilingual CMS” plan we would have 90k tokens, but we struggle understanding exactly how many tokens we need to translate these 3 million words.
On the link above it states the following: “Translation Memory – Don’t pay twice for words you already translated.”
We talked directly to the DeepL support and they told us they charge for each word that gets translated via API, so this “Translation Memory” system looks like provided by your plugin.
Since it’s impossible to know how many words are “repeated”, is there a way to have at least an approximate estimation about the whole translation?
I will be waiting for your answer.
Thank you in advance!
Hello Andrea,
Thank you for your interest in WPML. This calculator can help you estimate how many translation credits you would need to translate 3 million words to 3 other languages. It would be about €3,137.00 using the DeepL engine.
Yes, the translation memory is something that WPML developed. Every sentence/paragraph/phrase you translate automatically or manually using the WPML translation editor gets saved into the translation memory. Then next time you translate the same phrase credits won’t be used because the translation will be pulled from the translation memory. This is useful for online stored where similar phrases are used for multiple artciles. There is no way to see how many words are repeated. We have a migration plugin from Polylang to WPML but the problem is that posts migrated through this plugin cannot be edited in the WPML translation editor. However, using this plugin might be useful only for clients who don’t plan to edit migrated translations.
Non-profit organisations can get 50% of a discount for the plugin. Please use this form to apply. Please send us the URL of your website: https://wpml.org/home/contact-us/contact-form/
Please note that we don’t have any other discounts for translations credits. You will get 90 000 credits when buying the Multilingual CMS package which will allow you to translate 45 000 words (with DeepL or Google) or 90 000 words if you use the Microsoft engine. If you need to translate more words, please use this calculator to see how much that would cost: https://wpml.org/documentation/automatic-translation/automatic-translation-pricing/#simulate-your-translation-price
I have a client with a laws & policies website based in South Africa – i need to translate this website’s text into 10 of SA’s official languages some of which are african languages like Ndebele, Pedi (isiPedi) etc and i didn’t see that in the translators that is avaialble. If i advise them to purchase WPML will it be able to do those translations into those languages or will i still need to add them manually?
Hi Agnes, thanks for your reply. The available translation services – are they like the google translate? The reason why i’m asking this is because i can translate the content on the website manually by copying and pasting it into google translate – is that the same translator avaialble on wmpl? Some of hte languages is translatable with the translator i find in the google browser. Hope my question makes sense.
Yes, your questions make sense.
When WPML translates your pages it uses the API of the popular translation engines (Google Translate, DeepL etc) so basically the result will be similar to what you would see in the Google online editor. Apart from this, WPML does some extra pre and post processing of your content, this includes handling links, formatting (bold, italic) etc. Plus, when you translate automatically you can do this in a bulk way for multiple pages at once (you can select which pages). So, yes, copy-pasting from Google is also possible when you use WPML but using automatic translation will allow you to save a lot of time because it takes seconds instead of minutes/hours.
Let me explain one more thing.
You also mentioned the translation found in the Google browser. Do you mean the feature that translate your content on the fly? If so, WPML does more – it creates permanent pages for example, yourdomin.com/about-us page will be translated to Spanish and French: yourdomin.com/es/sobre-nosotras and yourdomin.com/fr/a-propos-de-nous – you will have new pages with new URLs. These pages will be indexed in Google and other search engines and you will get more traffic from users thanks to this.
We would like to purchase your Multilingual CMS Plan for our firm, but our IT department requires vendors to complete a short questionnaire as part of our procurement process. If you’re able to accommodate this, we can proceed with the purchase right away.
Is this something you can assist with?
Please let me know at your earliest convenience, as we’re excited about using your product to enhance our website.
We would like to purchase your Multilingual CMS Plan for our firm, but our IT department requires vendors to complete a short questionnaire as part of our procurement process. If you’re able to accommodate this, we can proceed with the purchase right away.
Is this something you can assist with?
Please let me know at your earliest convenience, as we’re excited about using your product to enhance and monitor our website.
I have purchased WPML and I have a couple of big problems.
first, I asked this question:
for language URL format, if I use the language name added as parameter option, will all URL already in English in my website will stay as such without a lang=en naming added in my url and only all other languages will have the naming convention added (lang=es, https://aaaaaaaa.com/es/sample-post/)?
and I was told above:
You don’t need to change your permalink structure. The one you use is also fine.
The links of your original language won’t be affected, no matter what option you choose in your WPML settings.
today after I downloaded WPML, all my English pages URL had /en added after the domain name so I had to remove the plugin right away. how can this happen as I was told it will not be?
what needs to be done so this will not happen?
also when during the set up I mention that I want to add 6 languages to translate the website, +140 taxonomies was added to my total which gave me a total of more than 1,500,000 credit needed when I have only 75 page and 15 post pages on my website with a total of about 92K words, how can this happen when on the page for Simulate your translation price it mention it will cost me almost 500,000 credit less?
Hello Stephane,
Thank you for purchasing WPML. Did you buy it with a different email than the one you used to post this comment with? I checked your email address and I can see only one site registered (that site uses the same domain as used in your email). I checked the front-end of this website and I cannot see any reason why you would get some other link structure than expected. But I don’t know what you selected in your WPML settings. When you select languages in directories you will get this: http://www.example.com (English) http://www.example.com/es/ (Spanish) http://www.example.com/ja/ (Japanese)
as explained in our documentation and no extra “en” will be added for your primary language (provided English is your primary language). If you selected the first option “Different languages in directories” and didn’t check any other option in the Language URL format section and you got en for your primary language, something is wrong and this needs to be checked with our technical support team: https://wpml.org/forums/forum/english-support/
If you think that your site used more credits than expected for unclear reason, please report this on our support forum too. Our support people have access to your translation history and they can check how the system used the credits. My possibilities within pre-sales comments are limited so please kindly report your issues on our support forum. You will get proper help there. Thank you.
My next question is how do i get the browser-on-the-fly-Google translator to automatically translate from English to Pedi or isiXhosa when there is no ‘base-line’ or ‘similar’ language available? Will it be able to do this for me so i can just go check or get my team who can speak the language to check it?
Hi Agnes,
Thanks for patiently answering all my questions.
Last question. If i add the additional languanges myself, manually as i translate the pages – will the site be able to to do future translations based on the words that was added? Almost like building up a library of sorts?
if you use the WPML Translation Editor, everything you translate is saved into the so-called Translation Memory. Which means, that the next time you translate the same phrases, you won’t need to translate these sentences again. But it needs to be a perfect match. For examaple, you if have “Click here to contact us” on multiple pages, you have to translate it only once. When you translate another page that contains the same sentence, this sentence will be already translated when you open the translation editor. But if you have a variation of this phase (say “Contact us”), you need to translate it again.
how can I purchase “Multilingual CMS” application for my customer? I need an invoice, I would like to achive discount and I can pay by card or TT payment. Please help.
Best ragards
You can use your client’s card when purchasing WPML and provide your client’s data for the invoice. Please note that you will receive the credentials to your WPML account to the email address you provided, so it would be better if you use your own email.
Or you can ask your client to purchase WPML and then forward you the password to his WPML account.
The data that appear on the invoice can be edited from within the WPML account.
I’m sorry but we don’t have any discounts. If you already have your own WPML account, you can visit the affiliate section on your wpml.org and ask your client to purchase from your affiliate link. You will get a commission in that case.
You can also buy WPML for yourself and then transfer the account renewals to your client as described here: https://wpml.org/purchase/transferring-account-renewals-to-your-clients/
I am writing to express my frustration with your support system. My website’s translation process has come to a halt due to a purchase processing issue, and to make matters worse, I am unable to open a support ticket because I haven’t completed the purchase yet.
It is extremely inconvenient and frustrating that there is no way to contact support without finalizing a purchase. How are we supposed to resolve issues like this if we can’t reach your team? My business relies on your translation services, and this delay is affecting my website’s functionality.
Please advise how I can resolve this purchase issue as quickly as possible, and let me know how we are expected to contact your support team in situations like this.
I have checked you order history and your WPML subscription expired on July 16, 2024 because of a failed order. WPML sends automatic emails for failed orders. You might have overlooked these emails. Client without inactive accounts can contact us directly via this form: https://wpml.org/home/contact-us/contact-form/ which is available from the Contact us page form the footer of this site or replying to the email address for their previous orders. I will ask my colleague who handles such cases to get in touch with you.
I wasn’t correct about the Contact us page available in the site footer. We have moved it to the main navigation (Home > Contact us). I sent an email to my colleague from the finance department (and CCed you) to help you out with your case.
Is there a trial period where we can use the plug in for free and see if we are happy with it before purchase? Or is there a refund after some number of days?
Thank you for your interest in WPML. We don’t have a trial period where you can use the plugin for free but our refund policy allows you to test WPML for 30 days without risking your money. Do you have any pre-sale questions? I’ll be happy to answer.
am I right, WPML Multilingual CMS cost 99 Euro + VAT is a subscription? It means, if I pay once without subscription, my page can brake after some time?
Renewals are optional and you can use WPML even if you don’t renew WPML but yes, you are risking breaking your site if you update your WordPress in the future and don’t update WPML plugins.
I am interested in the version that costs 99. Now I have the following questions:
1. I can deactivate the auto renewal – correct?
2. What happens with my credits and the number of pages I buy with the 99 if I do not renew after one year? Can I still create up to 3 websites with WPML without renewal?
3. If I do not renew WPML after 1 year, my website remains translated, and I can still translate the website if things change on my website after 1 year. Is this correct?
1. Yes, you can check this section how: https://wpml.org/purchase/wpml-renewal/#switch-to-manual
With manual renewals turned on, if you don’t renew after the first year, your WPML subscription will automatically expire on your next renewal date.
2. No, you won’t be able to register new sites after the first year. You need to have an active WPML subscription to register new sites.
3. Correct, your site remains translated even if your subscription expired. And yes, you can still translate your site. Renewals are needed for receiving updates (new versions of WPML) and getting our support help.
why wpml have so many functions but in deep dive so much details are still missing which other plugins can handle out of the box?
For example:
Lets say you running a website in a german language.
You translate the german content into english language.
So you have now 2 languages:
German language
English language
Now you are the visitor from germany:
you will see the german content.
Now you are the visitor from england:
you will see the english content.
Now you are a visitor from spain?
1. WPML does not have option to show popup like this: We have no translation in your language. Switch to german (linked) / english (linked) version.
2. We shoud have an option in WPML.
If there is no translation for visitor, show content in language ENGLISH.
Why this is important in a real business case? Very simple: If you are form spain, from france or frome somewhere… you will not understand the german translation. So admin shoud have the option to setup custom language for content which is not translated in the visitors language. Because if somebody from france will open our website or from spain they will see the default language (germany). Can you read germany in spain or france? No. But can you read english? Maybe, very sure.
We asked a lot of developers and your partners here to help us in this case. They say all: great idea, but no chance to implement this, because we need to chance a lot of code of wpml and this will break the core and a lot of updates.
So my question is: Do you plan to improve this function soon? We handle +40 licence from wpml. We also started some issues in forum, but they only say: not possible, please talk to your dev partners here…
I hope you can help us and adding this request to your roadmap. I can not understand why this simple needs and basics from other translation plugins are still not implemented in wpml.
Hello Tommy,
thank you for reporting this need and your detailed explanation why you think it’s useful. In the scenario you described, can I ask how visitors from Spain and France would find the website? In the meantime, let me explain what you could do instead: add languages such as Spanish, French etc and use the “Translatable
use translation if available or fallback to default language” option for your main post types (Pages, Posts, etc) – this is available in WPML Settings. Have you tried/considered this?
“add languages such as Spanish, French etc and use the “Translatable
use translation if available or fallback to default language” option for your main post types (Pages, Posts, etc) – this is available in WPML Settings. Have you tried/considered this?”
Hello Agnes, first of all: thank you for your fast feedback.
Your solution is already tested in some projects and all admins say: to much workload only to handle basics. And the database is getting bigger and bigger only to handle most simple translation cases.
In other plugins you can setup: if visitor open website and we have no translation for his country: show language ABC.
By using WPML its always the default language. Why it shoud be the default language and not for example english for all visitor?
If your default language is german, because your are from germany and now you have translation for english people what will the france, italy, spain, russian…. people will see? All will see the default language. Because we have no option to controle what will be shown if translation is not present. Only fallback -> default. Thats strange wpml can not handle so simple needs.
Sure, now we can go ahead and create for each country a translation and add the english content into it. If you have 5K products or more this will increase your database and its a large workload.
In other translation plugins its only one click:
How you wanna handle not translation content?
– Show default language (wpml can do that)
– Show fallback language (you can chose individual language)
– Show popup and user can select from all present languages: German / English.
This is how other plugins work out of the box. After we switched +40 clients to your solution we have now so many more options, but if you deep dive in it: they are limited and nobody think about the details. This feeling we have and this feeling our clients also have.
This is why maybe 7, 8 or 10 clients cancled their subscription in the first month. And now we getting more and more tickets about the translation issue for visitor we do not have any translation. All this people see the default language and the store owner asking my team in tickets: what are you doing? why people outside of germany can read german text? Why you do not show them english version instead or asking in a popup which language they wanna have? We tell them: because its not possible. This is a big point in most of all licence we handle.
Thank you for the details Tommy. They help a lot. I will discuss this with our management and developers. We will also check how many requests like this we have been receiving and how this feature request competes with dozens of other requests we are receiving. I don’t know much about your stores, the websites you build for your clients and what I’m gonna share in a while might not to be entirely relevant for your case but let me share something you might find useful when discussing this topic with the store owners. Many people think that their potential clients come to the homepage of the website and they start browsing the site from there. However, the beauty of making a site multilingual is attract organic traffic to content in other languages.
So the goal is: if someone, say from Spain is looking for some specific products in Google search by typing their query in their language (Spanish), they will receive the link directly to the product page in Spanish (not to the homepage but to that specific product that matches their query and directly to its Spanish version). This means, that investing in translation to other languages is better than dealing with automatic redirections. So I would ask the site owners: How will potential clients from countries that your site/store doesn’t handle (e.g. Spanish, French, etc) know about the homepage of their store, which is in German? Do they know it from Facebook/Google campaigns the company has been running? If so, why not to advertise the English version of the site in the first place (yourdomin.com/en instead yourdomin.com)? My point is that very few people find the store by putting its name into Google. Only those who know something about it do that. And if they site has a visible language switcher with English standing out, they will use it. Most people will find the store by searching for something specific and that’s why investing in SEO is the crucial thing here. Translating your store to other languages with permalinks links for products and proper href lang tags for languages (which WPML does) is the best way to attract traffic. But maybe you know more about your cases. I’ll be eager to find out how the clients land on the German version of the homepage (in the scenario we are discussing). Nevertheless, I will discuss your request with relevant people from WPML. Thank you again for bringing this up.
We (wpml.org) are the only legal seller of WPML plugins. I cannot find anything about WPML on their site, can you please help me? When you buy from us, you will: receive 90 000 translation credits for free (you cannot translate automatically without these credits). I doubt that company offers free credits. You are getting access to our support forum where you can get individual assistance (live chat is also available). This site is not a legitimate partner of ours but please provide me more details about them selling WPML and I can say more. Thank you.
its not a special case and i can see in facebook forum and also in your offical forum a lot of users asking for it.
And also in developer forum (you can find it via google) some people asking for it.
Our question and needs are not special, they are very basic cases of a real business case.
I understand that google will bring visitor to all sub-pages. But the problem is still the same:
In other words:
Lets say you are located in france.
If you visit my website from france and there is no translation:
1. You will see german content (default language).
2. You will not understand the german content.
Are you happy with this case? And are this case so special please? I dont think so. Its a very simple and basic case of translation management and a massive problem for you (as an visitor).
Now lets play the game with new option to setup custom langugage for content which does not have translation.
We go to settings and setup: If no translation added -> use english translation.
Now you are in france. You open a page and what you will see?
Great, the english text. Now i am asking you: What is better? Show default language (german text) or better show english translation (custom fallback)?
A lot of visitors in our projects see the default language and close our website because they do not understand the default language as fallback. It woud be better to have custom fallback language option to define a fallback language per needs. In our case its english, not german text.
Another issue:
We managed in the last 5?! years +90 licence. Most of all clients cancled their subscription and moved to another solution. I do not wanna link it here, but they have much more options. Also custom fallback language. After some years we only manage 40 licence and this one is the next which is going to be cancled based on simple needs.
Please check it from your side:
Wanna your see a german text if you are in france or in spain or in italy? Or you prefer the english version?
Sure, the english version. And now: Why this important option is missing and you need to count the requests in forum for that basics? A lot of users need this, because its a simple need of translation plugin and simple need of a vistior. But not all asking for it. Working like this to solve that issue and do not ask for better solution:
Create a copy of english content into france language. But if you have 5.000 products this will have an impact of your database!
We asked in official youtube channel (google webmasters) what they say about that point. They do not confirmed this. Instead of this they confirm what we see in google search console of our clients: Google say -> you have exact the same content on two different urls: duplicate content. “Google doesn’t consider the same content translated into different languages as duplicate content since the same content in English that’s translated into French is different”. Here you can see the full official video about this dramatic case: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=UDg2AGRGjLQ&themeRefresh=1
So in your page you advice how to create duplicate content by duplicate content (same content on different sub-pages) without any change, because there is no translation, its only a full/exact copy of the content.
Please remove this advice from your page and sure, you can check it by asking google webmaster in official pages like youtube and send them your question like we did before.
Your solution to copy english text into france page is the worste idea ever: it will cause for all your 5000 products an duplicate content issue. You shoud add this information in your table about using second language as fallback language by copy content from a to b without any modification.
Thank you for this as well Tommy. I will share this with our Content team. As far as I know the are special meta tags for “duplicated” content added (to consider those pages save in terms of Google indexing) but I will check the details with our experts.
Thank you for the link.
Yes, the source code of the WPML plugins (PHP files etc) can be the same but please note the following:
– what they do is unethical and illegal (we will contact them about it). OnTheGoSystems Limited (our company) is the legal owner of the registered trademark WPML name and logo. Any usage of WPML and logo must comply with WPML trademark policy. https://onthegosystems.com/legal/wpml-trademark-policy/ So there are violating our trademark.
– many things they say on their page are simply not true
– the last step of WPML installation is to register the site with your key license that is paired with your specific website – they must have removed it or they will register your site with their WPML account
– you will not get translation credits
We have about 70 people working on the WPML plugins (developers, supporters, documentation team, pre-sales etc) who work hard and are paid for their jobs. If someone wants to take advantage of WPML code using GPL (like the people from the link you shared), they will always find a way to do so. You can decide if you would like to support such activities.
Can i request that WPML adds specific languages that i can map my target languages to? The languages are available in Google’s browser translator but it’s not available in any of the 7 translation plugins i tested over the past few days.
If this is possible what would it cost, how do i go about requesting this feature and how long will it take?
I have a live public site and a separate private administrators’ development testing site. I have an active WPML license on the live site, bur no license on the development site.
Can the license from the live public site be applied to the private development site as well?
If your WPML subscription is still active, you can register up to 3 production sites and up to 9 developments site with the Multilingual CMS package. I tried to check how many sites you have registered but the email address I used is not found in our system. If your WPML subscription expired, you won’t be able to register any new sites even if you still have unused slots.
First of all, thanks for your reply and time taken. And sorry for my double message. I was afraid to not being seen on the French thread. It seems to be inactive.
About my issue, I can confirm that I received your email notification. But as mentioned I was not at the office and I didn’t saw your email on time.
Would it be possible to make a commercial gesture and re-activate this discount ?
It would be really appreciated.
Many thanks in advance
You can reactivate your account by purchasing again. You can use the same email and purchase when being logged in. I’m really sorry but discounts are no longer available for accounts that were remaining inactive for more than 30 days. We know that some clients might be late and that why we extend the renewal period with discounts for extra 30 days. In your case your account was inactive for more than 30 days. This is how our system works and we cannot switch your account back to the old pricing. This is not technically possible, I’m really sorry. And yes, we understand that clients might not be around to remember paying on time and for this reason we have automatic renewals enabled by default. From what we can see in your purchase history you switched to manual renewals.
Hello there,
My team and I have planned to switch our website from Translate Press to WPML.
The current translations on our website have been made with DeepL via API.
We already know we can’t move the translations from the “old” to the “new” translation system.
Our website contains about 10k products. We need to translate the titles and the descriptions of each of them in 3 languages which are English, Spanish and German (the original language is Italian).
According to the word estimate provided by your tool (under WPML –> Manage Translations), we need to translate 3052012 words of the “Products type”.
We want to use the automatic DeepL system again, so we found this article: https://wpml.org/documentation/automatic-translation/translate-your-wordpress-site-with-deepl/
We understood that with the “Multilingual CMS” plan we would have 90k tokens, but we struggle understanding exactly how many tokens we need to translate these 3 million words.
On the link above it states the following: “Translation Memory – Don’t pay twice for words you already translated.”
We talked directly to the DeepL support and they told us they charge for each word that gets translated via API, so this “Translation Memory” system looks like provided by your plugin.
Since it’s impossible to know how many words are “repeated”, is there a way to have at least an approximate estimation about the whole translation?
I will be waiting for your answer.
Thank you in advance!
Hello Andrea,
Thank you for your interest in WPML.
This calculator can help you estimate how many translation credits you would need to translate 3 million words to 3 other languages. It would be about €3,137.00 using the DeepL engine.
Yes, the translation memory is something that WPML developed. Every sentence/paragraph/phrase you translate automatically or manually using the WPML translation editor gets saved into the translation memory. Then next time you translate the same phrase credits won’t be used because the translation will be pulled from the translation memory. This is useful for online stored where similar phrases are used for multiple artciles. There is no way to see how many words are repeated. We have a migration plugin from Polylang to WPML but the problem is that posts migrated through this plugin cannot be edited in the WPML translation editor. However, using this plugin might be useful only for clients who don’t plan to edit migrated translations.
Is there any discount offer for an Institution website using the WordPress CMS platform?
Non-profit organisations can get 50% of a discount for the plugin. Please use this form to apply. Please send us the URL of your website: https://wpml.org/home/contact-us/contact-form/
Please note that we don’t have any other discounts for translations credits. You will get 90 000 credits when buying the Multilingual CMS package which will allow you to translate 45 000 words (with DeepL or Google) or 90 000 words if you use the Microsoft engine. If you need to translate more words, please use this calculator to see how much that would cost: https://wpml.org/documentation/automatic-translation/automatic-translation-pricing/#simulate-your-translation-price
Hi there,
I have a client with a laws & policies website based in South Africa – i need to translate this website’s text into 10 of SA’s official languages some of which are african languages like Ndebele, Pedi (isiPedi) etc and i didn’t see that in the translators that is avaialble. If i advise them to purchase WPML will it be able to do those translations into those languages or will i still need to add them manually?
here’s the list of supported languages for automatic translation:
If a specific language is not supported you can add it as the so-called custom language and yes, translate manually.
You can try to custom languages from within the WPML wizard – because it’s easier
or from within the WPML > Languages section
Hi Agnes, thanks for your reply. The available translation services – are they like the google translate? The reason why i’m asking this is because i can translate the content on the website manually by copying and pasting it into google translate – is that the same translator avaialble on wmpl? Some of hte languages is translatable with the translator i find in the google browser. Hope my question makes sense.
Yes, your questions make sense.
When WPML translates your pages it uses the API of the popular translation engines (Google Translate, DeepL etc) so basically the result will be similar to what you would see in the Google online editor. Apart from this, WPML does some extra pre and post processing of your content, this includes handling links, formatting (bold, italic) etc. Plus, when you translate automatically you can do this in a bulk way for multiple pages at once (you can select which pages). So, yes, copy-pasting from Google is also possible when you use WPML but using automatic translation will allow you to save a lot of time because it takes seconds instead of minutes/hours.
Let me explain one more thing.
You also mentioned the translation found in the Google browser. Do you mean the feature that translate your content on the fly? If so, WPML does more – it creates permanent pages for example, yourdomin.com/about-us page will be translated to Spanish and French: yourdomin.com/es/sobre-nosotras and yourdomin.com/fr/a-propos-de-nous – you will have new pages with new URLs. These pages will be indexed in Google and other search engines and you will get more traffic from users thanks to this.
Hi there,
We would like to purchase your Multilingual CMS Plan for our firm, but our IT department requires vendors to complete a short questionnaire as part of our procurement process. If you’re able to accommodate this, we can proceed with the purchase right away.
Is this something you can assist with?
Please let me know at your earliest convenience, as we’re excited about using your product to enhance our website.
Thank you!
Hello Muhammad,
Please send us the questionnaire to hello@wpml.org and we will take a look.
Kind regards
Hi there,
Apologies if this is a duplicate comment.
We would like to purchase your Multilingual CMS Plan for our firm, but our IT department requires vendors to complete a short questionnaire as part of our procurement process. If you’re able to accommodate this, we can proceed with the purchase right away.
Is this something you can assist with?
Please let me know at your earliest convenience, as we’re excited about using your product to enhance and monitor our website.
Thank you!
As my colleague Mercedes explained, please send us your questionnaire and we will see what we can do for you.
I have purchased WPML and I have a couple of big problems.
first, I asked this question:
for language URL format, if I use the language name added as parameter option, will all URL already in English in my website will stay as such without a lang=en naming added in my url and only all other languages will have the naming convention added (lang=es, https://aaaaaaaa.com/es/sample-post/)?
and I was told above:
You don’t need to change your permalink structure. The one you use is also fine.
The links of your original language won’t be affected, no matter what option you choose in your WPML settings.
today after I downloaded WPML, all my English pages URL had /en added after the domain name so I had to remove the plugin right away. how can this happen as I was told it will not be?
what needs to be done so this will not happen?
also when during the set up I mention that I want to add 6 languages to translate the website, +140 taxonomies was added to my total which gave me a total of more than 1,500,000 credit needed when I have only 75 page and 15 post pages on my website with a total of about 92K words, how can this happen when on the page for Simulate your translation price it mention it will cost me almost 500,000 credit less?
Thank you
Best regards
Hello Stephane,
Thank you for purchasing WPML. Did you buy it with a different email than the one you used to post this comment with? I checked your email address and I can see only one site registered (that site uses the same domain as used in your email). I checked the front-end of this website and I cannot see any reason why you would get some other link structure than expected. But I don’t know what you selected in your WPML settings. When you select languages in directories you will get this:
http://www.example.com (English)
http://www.example.com/es/ (Spanish)
http://www.example.com/ja/ (Japanese)
as explained in our documentation and no extra “en” will be added for your primary language (provided English is your primary language). If you selected the first option “Different languages in directories” and didn’t check any other option in the Language URL format section and you got en for your primary language, something is wrong and this needs to be checked with our technical support team: https://wpml.org/forums/forum/english-support/
If you think that your site used more credits than expected for unclear reason, please report this on our support forum too. Our support people have access to your translation history and they can check how the system used the credits. My possibilities within pre-sales comments are limited so please kindly report your issues on our support forum. You will get proper help there. Thank you.
Thanks for the feedback Agnes, it makes sense.
My next question is how do i get the browser-on-the-fly-Google translator to automatically translate from English to Pedi or isiXhosa when there is no ‘base-line’ or ‘similar’ language available? Will it be able to do this for me so i can just go check or get my team who can speak the language to check it?
You will need to add these languages as custom languages.
If you are not sure about the codes to use for those languages, yes, our support team can help with this.
Hi Agnes,
Thanks for patiently answering all my questions.
Last question. If i add the additional languanges myself, manually as i translate the pages – will the site be able to to do future translations based on the words that was added? Almost like building up a library of sorts?
if you use the WPML Translation Editor, everything you translate is saved into the so-called Translation Memory. Which means, that the next time you translate the same phrases, you won’t need to translate these sentences again. But it needs to be a perfect match. For examaple, you if have “Click here to contact us” on multiple pages, you have to translate it only once. When you translate another page that contains the same sentence, this sentence will be already translated when you open the translation editor. But if you have a variation of this phase (say “Contact us”), you need to translate it again.
how can I purchase “Multilingual CMS” application for my customer? I need an invoice, I would like to achive discount and I can pay by card or TT payment. Please help.
Best ragards
You can use your client’s card when purchasing WPML and provide your client’s data for the invoice. Please note that you will receive the credentials to your WPML account to the email address you provided, so it would be better if you use your own email.
Or you can ask your client to purchase WPML and then forward you the password to his WPML account.
The data that appear on the invoice can be edited from within the WPML account.
I’m sorry but we don’t have any discounts. If you already have your own WPML account, you can visit the affiliate section on your wpml.org and ask your client to purchase from your affiliate link. You will get a commission in that case.
You can also buy WPML for yourself and then transfer the account renewals to your client as described here: https://wpml.org/purchase/transferring-account-renewals-to-your-clients/
I am writing to express my frustration with your support system. My website’s translation process has come to a halt due to a purchase processing issue, and to make matters worse, I am unable to open a support ticket because I haven’t completed the purchase yet.
It is extremely inconvenient and frustrating that there is no way to contact support without finalizing a purchase. How are we supposed to resolve issues like this if we can’t reach your team? My business relies on your translation services, and this delay is affecting my website’s functionality.
Please advise how I can resolve this purchase issue as quickly as possible, and let me know how we are expected to contact your support team in situations like this.
I have checked you order history and your WPML subscription expired on July 16, 2024 because of a failed order. WPML sends automatic emails for failed orders. You might have overlooked these emails. Client without inactive accounts can contact us directly via this form: https://wpml.org/home/contact-us/contact-form/ which is available from the Contact us page form the footer of this site or replying to the email address for their previous orders. I will ask my colleague who handles such cases to get in touch with you.
I wasn’t correct about the Contact us page available in the site footer. We have moved it to the main navigation (Home > Contact us). I sent an email to my colleague from the finance department (and CCed you) to help you out with your case.
thanks for support
i send contact form for yours
i wait response from your side
thanks for ifforts
Is there a trial period where we can use the plug in for free and see if we are happy with it before purchase? Or is there a refund after some number of days?
thank you,
Thank you for your interest in WPML. We don’t have a trial period where you can use the plugin for free but our refund policy allows you to test WPML for 30 days without risking your money. Do you have any pre-sale questions? I’ll be happy to answer.
am I right, WPML Multilingual CMS cost 99 Euro + VAT is a subscription? It means, if I pay once without subscription, my page can brake after some time?
Renewals are optional and you can use WPML even if you don’t renew WPML but yes, you are risking breaking your site if you update your WordPress in the future and don’t update WPML plugins.
I am interested in the version that costs 99. Now I have the following questions:
1. I can deactivate the auto renewal – correct?
2. What happens with my credits and the number of pages I buy with the 99 if I do not renew after one year? Can I still create up to 3 websites with WPML without renewal?
3. If I do not renew WPML after 1 year, my website remains translated, and I can still translate the website if things change on my website after 1 year. Is this correct?
Warm regards
1. Yes, you can check this section how: https://wpml.org/purchase/wpml-renewal/#switch-to-manual
With manual renewals turned on, if you don’t renew after the first year, your WPML subscription will automatically expire on your next renewal date.
2. No, you won’t be able to register new sites after the first year. You need to have an active WPML subscription to register new sites.
3. Correct, your site remains translated even if your subscription expired. And yes, you can still translate your site. Renewals are needed for receiving updates (new versions of WPML) and getting our support help.
why wpml have so many functions but in deep dive so much details are still missing which other plugins can handle out of the box?
For example:
Lets say you running a website in a german language.
You translate the german content into english language.
So you have now 2 languages:
German language
English language
Now you are the visitor from germany:
you will see the german content.
Now you are the visitor from england:
you will see the english content.
Now you are a visitor from spain?
1. WPML does not have option to show popup like this: We have no translation in your language. Switch to german (linked) / english (linked) version.
2. We shoud have an option in WPML.
If there is no translation for visitor, show content in language ENGLISH.
Why this is important in a real business case? Very simple: If you are form spain, from france or frome somewhere… you will not understand the german translation. So admin shoud have the option to setup custom language for content which is not translated in the visitors language. Because if somebody from france will open our website or from spain they will see the default language (germany). Can you read germany in spain or france? No. But can you read english? Maybe, very sure.
We asked a lot of developers and your partners here to help us in this case. They say all: great idea, but no chance to implement this, because we need to chance a lot of code of wpml and this will break the core and a lot of updates.
So my question is: Do you plan to improve this function soon? We handle +40 licence from wpml. We also started some issues in forum, but they only say: not possible, please talk to your dev partners here…
I hope you can help us and adding this request to your roadmap. I can not understand why this simple needs and basics from other translation plugins are still not implemented in wpml.
Hello Tommy,
thank you for reporting this need and your detailed explanation why you think it’s useful. In the scenario you described, can I ask how visitors from Spain and France would find the website? In the meantime, let me explain what you could do instead: add languages such as Spanish, French etc and use the “Translatable
use translation if available or fallback to default language” option for your main post types (Pages, Posts, etc) – this is available in WPML Settings. Have you tried/considered this?
“add languages such as Spanish, French etc and use the “Translatable
use translation if available or fallback to default language” option for your main post types (Pages, Posts, etc) – this is available in WPML Settings. Have you tried/considered this?”
Hello Agnes, first of all: thank you for your fast feedback.
Your solution is already tested in some projects and all admins say: to much workload only to handle basics. And the database is getting bigger and bigger only to handle most simple translation cases.
In other plugins you can setup: if visitor open website and we have no translation for his country: show language ABC.
By using WPML its always the default language. Why it shoud be the default language and not for example english for all visitor?
If your default language is german, because your are from germany and now you have translation for english people what will the france, italy, spain, russian…. people will see? All will see the default language. Because we have no option to controle what will be shown if translation is not present. Only fallback -> default. Thats strange wpml can not handle so simple needs.
Sure, now we can go ahead and create for each country a translation and add the english content into it. If you have 5K products or more this will increase your database and its a large workload.
In other translation plugins its only one click:
How you wanna handle not translation content?
– Show default language (wpml can do that)
– Show fallback language (you can chose individual language)
– Show popup and user can select from all present languages: German / English.
This is how other plugins work out of the box. After we switched +40 clients to your solution we have now so many more options, but if you deep dive in it: they are limited and nobody think about the details. This feeling we have and this feeling our clients also have.
This is why maybe 7, 8 or 10 clients cancled their subscription in the first month. And now we getting more and more tickets about the translation issue for visitor we do not have any translation. All this people see the default language and the store owner asking my team in tickets: what are you doing? why people outside of germany can read german text? Why you do not show them english version instead or asking in a popup which language they wanna have? We tell them: because its not possible. This is a big point in most of all licence we handle.
Thank you for the details Tommy. They help a lot. I will discuss this with our management and developers. We will also check how many requests like this we have been receiving and how this feature request competes with dozens of other requests we are receiving. I don’t know much about your stores, the websites you build for your clients and what I’m gonna share in a while might not to be entirely relevant for your case but let me share something you might find useful when discussing this topic with the store owners. Many people think that their potential clients come to the homepage of the website and they start browsing the site from there. However, the beauty of making a site multilingual is attract organic traffic to content in other languages.
So the goal is: if someone, say from Spain is looking for some specific products in Google search by typing their query in their language (Spanish), they will receive the link directly to the product page in Spanish (not to the homepage but to that specific product that matches their query and directly to its Spanish version). This means, that investing in translation to other languages is better than dealing with automatic redirections. So I would ask the site owners: How will potential clients from countries that your site/store doesn’t handle (e.g. Spanish, French, etc) know about the homepage of their store, which is in German? Do they know it from Facebook/Google campaigns the company has been running? If so, why not to advertise the English version of the site in the first place (yourdomin.com/en instead yourdomin.com)? My point is that very few people find the store by putting its name into Google. Only those who know something about it do that. And if they site has a visible language switcher with English standing out, they will use it. Most people will find the store by searching for something specific and that’s why investing in SEO is the crucial thing here. Translating your store to other languages with permalinks links for products and proper href lang tags for languages (which WPML does) is the best way to attract traffic. But maybe you know more about your cases. I’ll be eager to find out how the clients land on the German version of the homepage (in the scenario we are discussing). Nevertheless, I will discuss your request with relevant people from WPML. Thank you again for bringing this up.
Hello Guys Terrific plugin, but I´ve found a website selling the same plugin for a disscounted price, the website is https://wp-pro4all.com/
they claim they are just resellers but it seems really weird the way they sell it… is that a legitimate partner from WPML?
We (wpml.org) are the only legal seller of WPML plugins. I cannot find anything about WPML on their site, can you please help me? When you buy from us, you will: receive 90 000 translation credits for free (you cannot translate automatically without these credits). I doubt that company offers free credits. You are getting access to our support forum where you can get individual assistance (live chat is also available). This site is not a legitimate partner of ours but please provide me more details about them selling WPML and I can say more. Thank you.
Hello Agnes,
its not a special case and i can see in facebook forum and also in your offical forum a lot of users asking for it.
And also in developer forum (you can find it via google) some people asking for it.
Our question and needs are not special, they are very basic cases of a real business case.
I understand that google will bring visitor to all sub-pages. But the problem is still the same:
In other words:
Lets say you are located in france.
If you visit my website from france and there is no translation:
1. You will see german content (default language).
2. You will not understand the german content.
Are you happy with this case? And are this case so special please? I dont think so. Its a very simple and basic case of translation management and a massive problem for you (as an visitor).
Now lets play the game with new option to setup custom langugage for content which does not have translation.
We go to settings and setup: If no translation added -> use english translation.
Now you are in france. You open a page and what you will see?
Great, the english text. Now i am asking you: What is better? Show default language (german text) or better show english translation (custom fallback)?
A lot of visitors in our projects see the default language and close our website because they do not understand the default language as fallback. It woud be better to have custom fallback language option to define a fallback language per needs. In our case its english, not german text.
Another issue:
We managed in the last 5?! years +90 licence. Most of all clients cancled their subscription and moved to another solution. I do not wanna link it here, but they have much more options. Also custom fallback language. After some years we only manage 40 licence and this one is the next which is going to be cancled based on simple needs.
Please check it from your side:
Wanna your see a german text if you are in france or in spain or in italy? Or you prefer the english version?
Sure, the english version. And now: Why this important option is missing and you need to count the requests in forum for that basics? A lot of users need this, because its a simple need of translation plugin and simple need of a vistior. But not all asking for it. Working like this to solve that issue and do not ask for better solution:
Create a copy of english content into france language. But if you have 5.000 products this will have an impact of your database!
Thank you for taking this extra time Tommy and explaining all the details to me. I will discuss this with our management to see what we can do.
some people from seo unit told us:
to duplicate into another language (to have second fallback language and not the default one) is very dangerous.
And on top wpml is writing on this page:
“What about SEO?
The best part about using this translation mode is that it will have no negative SEO implications for your site.
WPML tells Google about the default content, so Google can ignore all the same content on secondary language pages. If you eventually translate a post or a page, Google will see that as new content and not a duplicate.” (Source: https://wpml.org/documentation/translating-your-contents/displaying-untranslated-content-on-pages-in-secondary-languages/#what-about-seo)
We asked in official youtube channel (google webmasters) what they say about that point. They do not confirmed this. Instead of this they confirm what we see in google search console of our clients: Google say -> you have exact the same content on two different urls: duplicate content. “Google doesn’t consider the same content translated into different languages as duplicate content since the same content in English that’s translated into French is different”. Here you can see the full official video about this dramatic case:
So in your page you advice how to create duplicate content by duplicate content (same content on different sub-pages) without any change, because there is no translation, its only a full/exact copy of the content.
Please remove this advice from your page and sure, you can check it by asking google webmaster in official pages like youtube and send them your question like we did before.
Your solution to copy english text into france page is the worste idea ever: it will cause for all your 5000 products an duplicate content issue. You shoud add this information in your table about using second language as fallback language by copy content from a to b without any modification.
Thank you for this as well Tommy. I will share this with our Content team. As far as I know the are special meta tags for “duplicated” content added (to consider those pages save in terms of Google indexing) but I will check the details with our experts.
I would like to know if your Prepaid plan or pay as you go, works with Yoast SEO.?
Yes, you can use Yoast SEO with WPML regardless of the payment option you select for automatic translation
Hello @Agnes Bury, the plugin is sold at https://wp-pro4all.com/product/wpml-multilingual-cms-wordpress-plugin/, and they claim is an original plugin but it seem very sketchy for me but they claim is the same downloaded from the original….
thats why im asking if this is true…
Thank you for the link.
Yes, the source code of the WPML plugins (PHP files etc) can be the same but please note the following:
– what they do is unethical and illegal (we will contact them about it). OnTheGoSystems Limited (our company) is the legal owner of the registered trademark WPML name and logo. Any usage of WPML and logo must comply with WPML trademark policy. https://onthegosystems.com/legal/wpml-trademark-policy/ So there are violating our trademark.
– many things they say on their page are simply not true
– the last step of WPML installation is to register the site with your key license that is paired with your specific website – they must have removed it or they will register your site with their WPML account
– you will not get translation credits
We have about 70 people working on the WPML plugins (developers, supporters, documentation team, pre-sales etc) who work hard and are paid for their jobs. If someone wants to take advantage of WPML code using GPL (like the people from the link you shared), they will always find a way to do so. You can decide if you would like to support such activities.
Hi Agnes,
Can i request that WPML adds specific languages that i can map my target languages to? The languages are available in Google’s browser translator but it’s not available in any of the 7 translation plugins i tested over the past few days.
If this is possible what would it cost, how do i go about requesting this feature and how long will it take?
Will this list help?
What are the languages you need and cannot see on the list?
I have a live public site and a separate private administrators’ development testing site. I have an active WPML license on the live site, bur no license on the development site.
Can the license from the live public site be applied to the private development site as well?
If your WPML subscription is still active, you can register up to 3 production sites and up to 9 developments site with the Multilingual CMS package. I tried to check how many sites you have registered but the email address I used is not found in our system. If your WPML subscription expired, you won’t be able to register any new sites even if you still have unused slots.