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38,900 Responses to “Pre-sales Questions”

  1. Hi Andrés (comment-8532689)
    Just to double check, is one single license required to cover all domains or do I need 1xMultilingual CMS license that I can use for all sites?

    Thx Mark

    • Hello Mark,
      you need one license key per WordPress installation.
      1. If you have one WordPress website and you would like to use separate domains for languages you need only one license key.
      2. If you plan to install WPML on our WordPress Multisite, again, this is considered one WordPress install and you need one license key for the entire network.
      3. If you have multiple WordPress instances, each with its own domain, you will need a separate license key for each of your domain.
      I hope this helps.

  2. Does the wpml plugin duplicate the original (english) site – font size, images etc. Not clear how that works? I had asked if we need to build a duplicate site then just replace the text with spanish?

  3. Hi Agnes
    Thanks for that. ANd sorry to be a real PIA, but just want to be 100% certain before I recommend to client. Looking at article it appears that in my situation:

    Master domain [site].com
    with sub-domains:

    That one Multilingual CMS license @ €99 will suffice and that I don’t need to purchase a Multilingual Agency license @€199.

    Have I understood correctly?

    Again apologies, and thx.


  4. Hi.
    We are currently using the plugin TranslatePress with around 3000 articles translated.
    Is it possible to migrate to WPML?

    Also, does WMPL allow my users to create a post in their native language instead of just the core language of my website?
    I.e some authors write in english, some in portuguse?

    • Hello,
      thank you for your interest in WPML.
      We don’t have any migration add-on from TranslatePress to WPML. You would need to retranslate your content again using WPML.
      Yes, WPML allows you to create posts in the secondary language of your site too. You don’t have to create all your posts/pages only in the core (default) language.

  5. Hello, I’m taking the liberty of contacting you, following my visit to the website of our sister federation ProCirque (, which claims to have obtained from you a free annual subscription for the translation of the site into 3 languages. We are – for our part – the Swiss national federation of circus schools. With around forty members, our site needs to be redesigned and translated into 3 languages (FR/DE/IT and possibly English). The previous translation module was calamitous and impractical. WPML seems to have more qualities and advantages.

    May I ask if you have a support programme for non-profit associations or federations like ours?

    If ever, would it be possible to imagine the same sponsorship? Under what conditions?

    Thank you for your reply Mathias Gautschi, FSEC Director Combe-à-l’ours 2 CH-La Chaux-de-Fonds

  6. Good afternoon,

    I have a client who wants to have a website to sell “in person” courses. I’m going to use the “Tutor LMS” plugin to realise this project.
    In the addons of this plugin I noticed that your plugin (WPML Multilingual CMS) is inserted there, that is, I assume that there is integration between the two.

    I am testing this plugin (Tutor LMS) on a test site for my agency, and I needed to test WPML, but I noticed that there is no free plugin for it. Is there a free plugin of yours that I can use for testing?

    Thank you and have a nice day.

  7. Thanks Agnes re:comment-8538092

    Separate WordPress installs not Multisite. So will go for Multilingual Agency option to cover multiple licenses for each site.

    Thanks so much for your help.


  8. Hello,
    I have a pre-sale question:
    Word Count – If I want to estimate how many words need to be translated on a website and I’ll heavily be using “string translation” for custom fields, how best can I estimate that number without first installing WPML? I tried using the “WP Word Count” plugin but its quite inaccurate due to the usage of custom fields on Pages and I need to estimate how many credit

    Please let me know,

    • Hello James,
      Yes, indeed it’s tricky with custom fields and strings coming from String Translation, even if you have WPML.
      I don’t know anything about the nature of your custom fields, where they appear and if they make any patterns so that we could think about some rough estimates (such as: visit the page, see how many words on average it has and then multiply it by the number of similar pages)
      If you need to know how many words you have on your site because you don’t want to risk your money, here’s what you can do:
      1. Purchase WPML (our refund policy allows you to test it for 30 days without risking your money)
      2. Install it on a copy of your website
      3. When configuring WPML, please assign only some of the free credits you will receive with the package (say, 10 000 out of 90 000)
      4. When configuring WPML, make sure you select the Let me choose what to translate mode and choose only one language
      5. Pick only some posts/pages/strings to translate automatically and soon after go to WPML > Translation Management > Tools and check how many credits have been used.
      6. Repeat step 5 with a few more pages.
      This would help you understand and estimate how credits are used in your specific case.

  9. Hi

    I have 5 websites/shops in different languages and different domains.
    Is it possible to them all in one installation with wpml ?

    Thank you very much.

    Best Jakob

  10. Hi,

    I have an account that previously purchased licenses for few websites. That clients did not pay for license renewals, so the account status now is expired.

    Now there is a need to purchase licenses for three other new websites. How can I do it right: make a purchase in an existing account or register a new account to purchase licenses for these three new sites?

    • Hello,
      You can use your existing account because you will see everything in one place. You can unregister your old client’s website if you don’t want them to receive WPML updates. You can also buy with a new email. In both case you will pay the same.

  11. Hello,

    We are looking for a translator for our website, who can also translate the title and description translated and which can then be sent with metadata to Channable, a program that retrieves everything from our website via an API and then sends it to other sales platforms on which we will sell. Those other platforms need 2 languages ​​from us, the original language and a French language.

    Can we use your plugin to read the metadata of the title and description in multiple languages ​​from our website with Channable?

    Yours sincerely,

    • Hello Richard,
      What you are describing looks like a custom setup and I cannot answer if WPML will help in your specific case. In such cases, custom coding is involved which is out of the scope of our support help.
      What I can tell you is the following:
      – Using WPML you can translate (automatically or/and manually) your WordPress content, the content that is accessible directly in your WordPress (not via APIs). If you use APIs, WPML might not detect this content and you need custom solutions
      – WPML can translate metadata of the title and description provided you use the SEO plugins that are compatible with WPML

  12. Hello,

    I am considering purchasing this plug-in for a client of ours who needs documents translated to Spanish on their website. Will the translator work on a pdf that can be downloaded from the website, or will the content need to be on the actual wordpress page? Thanks in advance.

    • Hello Suzanne,
      In general, WPML can help you provide a different version of the pdf but how you can actually handle this depends on how you are handling pdfs on your WordPress site. There are different ways to manage pdfs on your WordPress site. For example, if you usually upload your pdfs to WordPress and then link to them, you can simply upload another version of your pdf (in another language, which you would need to prepare outside WPML) and then in the translated version of the page that includes the link to this pdf, you simply provide the link to the translated version of this pdf. To sum up, WPML can help here but the details will depends on how you are handling pdfs. The only case that might be problematic is this: if you use a special plugin for handling your pdfs and this plugin is not compatible with WPML, in this case you can have some issues but maybe with the help of our supporters you can find a workaround too.

  13. Thinking of buying this plugin. I have a question about the Google Translate. I looked at some of the showcase websites and after switching to another language the Google Translate button shows up.

    Is that automatic because my browser is detecting another language? I understand Google translate is more robotic in translation and I’d rather just have the WPML language switcher and remove the Google Translate for a user. Is this possible?

    Also, can I control where the language switcher shows up on the website? I think it’s nice to have in multiple places.

    • Hello,
      when you see Google Translate button showing up it might not have anything to do with WPML. Some browsers offer automatic translations. Please try this website in a few browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, …) and check if you see this button.
      WPML you translate with WPML, WPML creates new pages (with the language prefix in US) and these are accessible via the language switcher.
      Yes, WPML allows you to add the language switcher to multiple places. By default, it will appear in your footer but you can add it to any menu as well, also to the sidebar, the full set of option will depends on your theme and what you have in your site. This is managed in the WPML > Languages section settings. You can also add it to any place you want, even the non-standard ones, with a special code snippet we provide.

  14. Anges,

    if I delete the keys of previous clients from my account will this affect the operation of WPML on the sites of these clients or only the ability for them to receive updates? In fac, this opportunity is not available now since the licenses have not been renewed.

    • Removing the key doesn’t affect the plugin. It will affect only the ability for them to receive updates. Of course, we cannot anticipate what will happen if the client updated WordPress to the recent version but didn’t update WPML.

  15. Hi, is this plugin compatible with Beratung – Consulting WordPress theme? Also does the plugin allow us to upload chinese content into the plugin that will adjust the english test on the header footer and web pages based on a user toggle switch?

    • Hello

      1. You asked: “is this plugin compatible with Beratung – Consulting WordPress theme?”
      Here is a link where you can check the compatibility status of WPML-tested themes:

      I don’t find this particular theme listed, however, when checking the author’s (VamTam) I can see that they have extensive documentation on integrating their themes with WPML.
      More here:

      I would recommend contacting them with any concerns that you might have about WPML integration.

      2. You asked “does the plugin allow us to upload chinese content into the plugin that will adjust the english test on the header footer and web pages based on a user toggle switch?”

      I’m not sure I understand your question. If you are asking if it is possible to translate header and footer layouts so that text in the header/footer is matching the language selected by the user, then the answer is Yes. It is possible to translate global Header and Footer sections in Elementor.
      More information here:

      I hope that I was able to address your concerns.

  16. For Multilingual Agency Plan and Multilingual CMS :
    regarding the Support & Updates after the first 12 months how much it will cost for renewing the plan !

    • Hello

      Your WPML account will renew automatically every year, giving you access to new versions of WPML and our support. Account renewals cost 75% of the original price. You can cancel renewals if you’re not interested.

      More information can be found here:

      Kind regards

  17. We are already using the free version and it isn’t working …
    We have 4 currency: UR (just for reference as default in woocommerce), dólar, peso chileno AND peso argentino.
    Our products have variations.
    Each with prices in peso argentino, peso chileno AND usd. Never UR.
    When I add some variation to cart, automatically it appears empty because I it says “you can’t have multiple currency in your cart” but Carrt has only one product.
    We can’t complete the sale….

    • Hello

      This sounds like a perfect question for our Technical Support forum:

      Please open a ticket there to investigate this behaviour in detail. As a pre-sales forum, I don’t have access to the tools needed to best find a solution for you.

      When you open the support ticket, please prepare a very simple example for them to follow through with. Also indicate if this behaviour only happens with variable products or if it also happens with a simple product.
      In the meantime, you can also do the following troubleshooting steps to help the assigned supporter move faster:

      – temporarily deactivate your non-WPML plugins (except for Woocommerce)
      – temporarily change your active theme to be Storefront.
      – With this system configuration, attempt to process the same product and confirm/verify if the same error message happens.

      If it does, please note tell this to the assigned supporter so that they can move more swiftly.

      I am confident that the Support Forum will find a resolution to your issue.
      Kind regards

  18. Dear WPML Team,

    I am building an online real estate marketplace with WordPress Theme Houzez. I knwo that it is possible to use WPML to translate real estate websites made with Houzez. As I understand is it possible to translate the Listings by translating the single “listing”-pages to the desired language. The problem here, is that my “marketplace” in contrast to other “agents-Website”, allows users to post their listings. For these listings I am not directly in control and they can be many, which makes it impossible for me to translate the single pages.

    My questions is, is it possible to translate each “label”, “placeholder” and other fixed values (i.e. “Area size”, “Price”, “Description”, “Bedrooms”, etc) at once using the string translation? I know string translation is available, but by looking at this screenshot*7jwmpz*_gcl_au*OTgxMTA5MzA3LjE3MTIyOTcwNTQ. it seems that some values that shoudl eb sixed (like “mo”/”mes”, “Sq ft”/”pies2” and “show”/”mostrar”) end up in the advanced translation editor instead of the string translation. IT would be usefull if all the fixed values ge translated at once, without having to translate each single page. I don’t mind if the description and the other texts do not get automatically translated, as long as all opther values like “garage”, “living area”, “extra features” etc. get transalted when the visitor switch language. Is this possible?

    Thank you and best regards,

  19. Hello,

    I am Jose Delgado, Vice President of the Nixarian Foundation.
    I would like to know if WPML has free plans for non-profit organizations.
    The Nixarian Foundation is a NGO registered in Spain (number 644V):

    We are looking for a system to automatically translate our website and blog posts.

    Thanks for considering helping us.
    Kindest regards,

    Jose Delgado

    • Hello Jose,
      Thank you for your interested in WPML.
      We can offer you a 50% discount for the Multilingual CMS type of account for your non-profit organisation website (you will pay 49 euros instead of 99). Please note that this is the price of the WPML plugins (= plugin updates and support assistance) and within this package you will receive 90 000 of translation credits, that will allow you to translate 45 000 words. If your site needs more translation credits, you will need to pay for this. This page explains the details. You will also find an interactive calculator there to estimate how much you would pay when you need more credits.
      We pay for the credits to DeepL, Google Translate and Microsoft (because we use their translation engines) and these credits are not free for us either.
      If you are still interested in purchasing WPML with the 50% discount I mentioned, please use this form to apply:
      Thank you.

  20. Dear WPML Support Team,

    I hope this message finds you well. I am interested in purchasing the WPML plugin for my business and have a few questions regarding the payment process, specifically concerning the use of company credentials and VAT handling in Croatia.

    Company Card Usage: I intend to use a company card for the purchase. Can you confirm if this payment method is accepted for buying the WPML plugin? Additionally, are there any specific steps or information required to use a company card for the transaction?

    VAT Number and Company Details: I noticed during the purchase process that there is an option to apply a VAT number and company details. Could you please elaborate on how this affects the purchase? Specifically:

    Will applying the VAT number and company details ensure that the invoice is fully compliant with Croatian VAT regulations?
    Does including this information mean that the full invoice will be directly sent to my company’s address or designated email?
    Understanding the specifics of how WPML handles these aspects would greatly assist me in ensuring that the purchase complies with my company’s purchasing policies and local tax regulations.

    Thank you in advance for your assistance and clarification on these matters. I look forward to your prompt response.

    Best regards,
    SD Elektro d.o.o

    • Hello,
      1. Yes, you can pay using your card. On the “checkout” page you will see a link entitled “Use a different payment processor” (at the bottom of the page, under the orange button). Please click on it.
      2. Yes, you can provide your VAT number and VAT won’t be added and you will pay 99 euros in total.
      3. This is how your WPML invoice will look like:

  21. Hi,
    Which plan should I use to use WPML Multilingual CMS plugin and WPML String Translation plugin on a site .

    can you let me know the plan that i need to use.

  22. Hello

    Is ıt offer Multilingual sitemap xml feature and geolocation language redirect according to browser language.

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