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38,896 Responses to “Pre-sales Questions”

    • Hello,
      Yes, your card was charged to renew your subscription after the first year. We inform about setting up automatic renewals on the checkout page, when our clients purchase WPML for the first time. If you want us to refund your order, please fill out your refund form and we will return your money. Refunding your order will cancel your WPML subscription and you will lose access to updates and our support assistance and also to all discounts. If you decide to renew your WPML subscription in the future you will need to pay the full price again. I can see that your site still uses WPML so you might want to keep your WPML subscription. You can also switch to manual renewals if you don’t want to be charged automatically again.

  1. Hi,

    I’m thinking about using WPML to make my website multilingual, but I was wondering if I could get a Lifetime license. My colleague has it and recommends it to me.

    Kind regards,
    Joel Crosby

  2. Hey there guys.
    I see that you have been charging VAT to my invoices since 2018. However, I live in the European Union, and I as see in My Account Settings here below where my Country and EU VAT number is, you guys say We are required by EU regulations to collect VAT. If you have a VAT number, please enter it. For businesses registered in EU reverse VAT charge will be applied.
    Could you please correct that so reverse VAT is applied in my case so I don’t get the extra % of VAT that does not apply in my case? Also my yearly renewal was in July, is still possible to correct that invoice so I get the VAT back in that case? Thanks,

    • Hello,
      We will check your case and why the EU VAT number you provided wasn’t taken into account. I replied to you directly.

  3. “The package that is needed in your case is the Multilingual CMS but you can expect computability issues”.

    Can you explain what the computability issues mean ?

    So You are saying that WPML can’t work at all in jeena theme ? or only some part must be translated manually ?
    If the theme is not RTL compatible then WPML won’t work ?

    How can I translate then ?… I thought WPML is compatible with any theme.

    Please help me and suggest the best for me, I’m Ready to translate manually. But will WPML Save my time translating regular elementor elements ?

  4. Is there any chance I can get a trial license for WPML I have previously purchased but requested a refund as I could get it setup to use en-gb and en-us on the same website?

    • Hello, we don’t have any free trials. You can buy WPML keeping our refund page in mind. We provide good support in case you are stuck.

    • Hello Mohamad,
      I have checked but I didn’t find any purchases made with your domain name.
      Can you please send me further details about this payment, like the last 4 digits of the card (if it was a credit card payment), or the transaction ID from PayPal?
      Please send your details via email to and I will help you directly.

      Kind regards

  5. Hello,
    I’m considering Multilingual Agency, does the websites keys have an expiry date so I could know which client needs to renew?

    • Hello,
      Thank you for your interest in WPML. The Agency subscription allows you to register an unlimited number of sites. There is no expiry date assigned to a specific website you register. However, there is an expiry date associated with your WPML subscription. All the websites you have registered will receive updates as long as you keep your WPML subscription (account) active. By default, your WPML subscription will be renewed automatically. You can switch to manual renewals if you want. In this case, if you forget to renewal your subscription after the first year, all the websites you registered will stop receiving WPML updates. They will work but the users (your clients) won’t be able to update their WPML plugins to a new version if a new one is released (including security updates). I hope it helps. If for any reason, you would like to keep your WPML subscription active but exclude a specific website from receiving WPML updates, you can unregister that website. Again, the site will work fine with WPML but won’t be receiving updates. We recommend keeping all the sites update to date for WordPress compatibility and security reasons. You can also transfer your WPML renewals to your clients but this is a separate topic, you can read more about transfers here:

  6. Hello! my name is Oscar Garcia and I’m speaking in representation of Open International, the company I work for.

    Our website has been succesfully using the WPML plugin since 2018, however, it was possible due to a license/site key provided by one of the company members that is currently not working with us anymore, so now we need to purchase our own license to switch site keys and continue using the WPML service independently.

    We normally work with two enviroments: which is the live site that works as our production environment, and which is our development site where all changes are made and tested before being released live. Our website displays english and spanish languages. So far in our plugin dashboard we have the “WPML Multilingual CMS” and “WPML String Translation” plugins.

    The mentioned former employee whose WPML license used to be activated in our website provided us with the following link, stating that making the purchase there would get us a bettter price, but we are not sure if the plan/version offered there is the one that we should obtain.

    For the purpose of making the right transaction, we would appreciate your confirmation or support to know exactly what plan should we buy to meet our needs.

    As a final question: once we finish the buying process and get the neccesary license, the site key used should be the same for both of our environments, development and live, or should we configure different sike keys for each?

    Thank you in advance, and we look forward to your response.

    • Hello,
      Thank you for using WPML and your questions.
      Indeed, you have two options:
      1. Purchase the Multilingual CMS package (99 euro)
      2. Use the clink your client shared with you to purchase WPML for 39 euro.
      Let me explain the pros and cons of both options.
      #1 – this is a regular WPML subscription that allows you to use WPML on 3 production sites and 9 development sites. You will be able to get access to our support assistance with your own account/login. You can unregister your site(s) and register them again with your own site keys and unregistering won’t affect your plugins and translations.
      #2 – this is a special type of account we call End User account. This option is cheaper but it comes with limitations. It will only be valid for the URL your former employee registered. You will not be able to register new sites, generate new site keys, or change the URL associated with their license. Please read more about this here:

      If you want to be fully independent from your former employee, please consider option #1.

    • Hello,
      you can unregister a specific website. This can be done from within your WPML account. WPML will still work on that site but the site won’t be receiving WPML updates. You can unregister a website at any time. I hope this helps.

  7. Hi,

    I noticed that WPML does not offer a free version. Is there a demo account I can test out before purchasing?

    I am currently using Polylang and having hreflang issue. For example, the subfolder is only able to target one country (US) instead of multiple English user countries (UK, CA, NZ, HK, SG). I would like to know if WMPL able to solve this hreflang issue.

    If able to solve, any support for transfer polylang to WMPL?


  8. Hi,

    Will the translated pages with Google translate be indexed by Google? Or do they count as duplicate content?

    Is there an option to translate with my Open AI api key instead to make sure the content is rewritten, unique and indexed by Google?


    – Marc

    • Hello George,
      Since it’s been more than 30 days after your subscription expired, normally you need to purchase again (you can use the same email address), paying the full price. You can contact us directly to see if there is anything we can do in your case but our system simply doesn’t allow users with cancelled subscriptions to use the old price. That’s why we encourage user to use automatic renewals. Please use the form and we will check why your previous order (renewal) failed. Maybe your card has expired. We will check what we can do for you.

  9. Does WPML collect user data? If so what is collected and where is the data sent? I work for a non-profit organization that aims to protect the users’ privacy from data collection that can be used to identify them.

  10. Dear WMPL,

    I am currently interested in purchasing WPML, however, during the payment process I noticed only credit cards are accepted (and credit cards through PayPal). I am currently based in the Netherlands and do not posses a credit card, I was wondering if it is possible to pay using a different method (iDeal, PayPal balance or a direct bank transfer)?

    Thanks for your time.


    • Hello, yes, PayPal option is also available. On the checkout page please try the link that reads Use a different payment processor” (at the bottom of the page, under the orange button). Please click on it and switch to PayPal.

  11. Hi,

    I am looking for a product to translate blog posts on my website. I do not want to rely on automated/AI-based translations and instead have a dedicated resource that will translate my blog posts and provide the translation in text format.

    Does your product support this use-case?


    • Hello Iain,
      Thanks for your email. Yes, we have this option. It looks like the Blog subscription will be enough for your needs. In any case, if you then need to upgrade to the CMS version to unlock more functionalities you will be able to do it for the difference only.

  12. I activated my domain name using my ex-girlfriend’s wpml account. Now I want to buy creadits. Can I use it without logging in to my ex- girlfriend wpml account?

    • Hello,
      We have two kinds of translation credits: pre-paid credits and Pay-as-you-go credits. You buy pre-paid credits from within your WPML account but your sign up for Pay-as-you-go credits directly from your WordPress account. So in your case, when you don’t have access to your WPML account, you can consider signing up for Pay-as-you-go credits. This is done directly from your WordPress site with the email you provide and the card you provide. You will find the details here
      Hint: to control the credit usage, please use the “Translate What You Choose” mode in your WPML settings (instead of “Translate Everything Automatically”). To control credit usage you can visit WPML > Translation Management > Tool.

  13. Hi,

    just wondering whether WPML does support Go high level as it offer a CRM with SaaS subscription and i will be targeting Middle East where ( Arabic Language ) as a default.

    your feedback is much appreciated. Also, advise of which metrology ( protocol) WPML uses to integrate to GHL.

    thanks for the feedback

  14. We would like to reactivate our WPML account. Could you please provide the cost for this process? Additionally, we are looking to use the account for three domains.

  15. I am trying to decide on the language plugin for my new website and I would like to know if there’s a way to modify the menu sections for the English version of the website as my Greek website has information not relevant to visitors from abroad..

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