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April 10, 2024

Oxygen is a visual page builder that enables you to design your whole site. Build advanced layouts with Oxygen and then translate the texts using WPML.

Please note that Oxygen Builder is currently not fully compatible with WPML. We are in contact with their team and trying to establish full multilingual functionality.

As of Oxygen 4.0, their team has worked on some partial compatibility improvements, and you can follow progress and updates here.

Oxygen page in original content

Translating Oxygen pages with WPML

 Oxygen Page translated to French

Translating Oxygen pages with WPML

On This Page:

Getting Started

Start by installing and activating the following plugins:

  • WPML core plugin and WPML String Translation add-on
  • Oxygen plugin

If you’re new to WPML, check out our Getting Started Guide. It quickly walks you through different translation options you can use.

Translating Oxygen Builder Pages

Oxygen Builder is not currently compatible with WPML. The only option for translating pages built with Oxygen Builder is to translate them manually.

To do this:

  1. Edit the default language page you want to translate.
  2. In the sidebar, select to translate the page with the WordPress Editor and confirm the action.
Turning of WPML’s Translation Editor
  1. Click the plus icon to add a translation.
Clicking the plus icon to add a translation
  1. This creates a new page in your secondary language. You can choose between two ways of translating your content:
  • Copy over the content from your default language, then translate it in the Oxygen Builder.
Copying the default language content
  • Save the page and open the Oxygen Builder to create a new design from scratch.
Creating the secondary language page from scratch

Adding Translation Support for Oxygen Builder Elements

WPML allows you to add translation support for Oxygen Builder element’s shortcodes manually. This allows you to translate the content in these shortcodes.

You can define the element’s shortcode by adding it along with its attributes to the Custom XML Configuration tab on the WPMLSettings page. Check out our guide to learn more about defining page builder shortcodes.

Translating Oxygen Re-Usable Elements and Templates

Currently, WPML doesn’t support the translation of Oxygen’s Re-Usable elements and Templates.

However, you can use the following steps as a workaround for translating templates:

  1. Duplicate the default language template using a plugin such as Duplicate Page.
  2. Go to the editing screen of the template that you duplicated and edit it using the Oxygen builder.
  3. Add the translated text to the template and click Save.
  4. Translate the default language page.
  5. On the default language page editing screen, use the language switcher in the top admin bar to navigate to the secondary language editing screen.
  6. Choose the template that you translated in step 2. Make sure you select the actual template for each page and not the “Default” option.
Choosing the template that you translated
  1. Click to Update the page.

If you set conditions that determine which template to apply, please see this workaround provided by Oxygen.

Known Issues

WPML works fine with this plugin, but sometimes there could be minor issues we're working on. This is expected as both plugins provide frequent updates.

Current unresolved issues:

You can also search all known issues including previously resolved issues for this plugin.

Getting Help From Our Support

In case you need help translating your site built using Oxygen and WPML, visit WPML’s support forum.

Ready to get started?

Evaluate WPML for 30 days and see how you like it! If you are not happy with it, we will refund your money without any questions within the 30-day trial period.